Mastermind is a British quiz show, well known for its challenging questions, intimidating setting and air of seriousness. Devised by Bill Wright, the basic format of Mastermind has never changed — four and in later contests five contestants face two rounds, one on a specialised subject of the contestant's choice, the other a general knowledge round. Wright drew inspiration from his experiences of being interrogated by the Gestapo during World War II. The atmosphere is helped by Mastermind's famously ominous theme music, "Approaching Menace" by the British composer Neil Richardson. The quiz programme originated and was recorded in Manchester at studios such as New Broadcasting House and Granada Studios, before permanently moving to MediaCityUK in 2011.
Freshmen students are practically powerless to complain or resist any orders given by their seniors. Arthit was seemingly unstoppable, until Kongpob stood up against the abuses by the former. Continual encounters between the two developed from animosity to something much more affectionate.
A winter-summer romance between an 20-year-old girl, He Ran, and a middle-aged man, Xiao Han. They both took a chance on each other; love and passion followed. Where would their story go in a sea of paint and flowers?
Babyfather is a BBC Two television programme which aired in the UK in 2001 and 2002. The show has been described as a "black, male, UK version of Sex and the City". It ran for two series, and was based on a novel written by Patrick Augustus. The writers of the screenplay include Avril E. Russell, Sharon Foster, and Roy Williams.
Sparks begin to fly when a successful 33-year-old single woman and a 25-year-old romantic with few prospects navigate love and differences.chi
The further life of the protagonist Caterina Schöllack and her three daughters will be traced, who fight in the restrictive period of the 1950s for emancipation and the realization of their own dreams. Monika, Helga and Eva have grown up and each seeks their way to find their way in the rigid society of the late 1950s. Monika and Freddy have a career in show business, and mother Caterina acts as a manager. Meanwhile, Helga works hard to be the perfect housewife and mother for Monika's daughter Dorli. Eva, however, quarrels with her life as a professor's wife.
Buddy Valastro and Duff Goldman compete in a series of bake-offs that test their dessert skills. The judges will crown one winner, putting an end to the greatest feud in baking history.
"Transformation Lessons ~Let's Star Change Together!~" is a web-exclusive series starring the characters from Uchu Sentai Kyuranger.
Isobel and Nikolaus are now living together for three years. But two new strange neighbors, Hevn and Miley, move in the building. As Maykel comes back with Greg, who mysteriously forgot some parts of his own past, the two neighbors become weirder.
Nothing in Common was a 1987 television series on NBC starred Todd Waring in the role of David Basner and Bill Macy in the role of Max Basner. Seven episodes were broadcast immediately after the highly-rated series Cheers but didn't pick enough audiences. The short-lived series was cancelled because of low turnout. The series was inspired by the 1986 film by Garry Marshall starring Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason also entitled Nothing in Common in which Hanks played David Basner and Gleason protrayed Max Basner. Todd Waring later reprised another Tom Hanks role in a TV sequel to Splash for The Wonderful World of Disney called Splash, Too.
Dominic Littlewood follows the people charged with upholding the law and handing out fines, including traffic wardens, the police and environmental crime officers.
Asphalt Man is a 1995 South Korean television series starring Lee Byung-hun, Choi Jin-shil, Jung Woo-sung, and Lee Young-ae. Based on the 1991 comic of the same title by manhwa artist Huh Young-man, it aired on SBS from May 17 to July 6, 1995 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 16 episodes.
Four drunk idiots reminisce over their favourite childhood videogames, cartoons and toys.