"Prem Trivedi marries Geetanjali Sharma despite being in love with someone else, but when Geetanjali tries to win his heart, Prem finds himself falling in love with her in this heartwarming mini web series."
Now, more than ever before, API Security is a top priority for almost every organization in the world. APIs are everywhere and cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities are found every day. Follow API Expert, Brenton House, as he guides you through the world of cybersecurity. Equip yourself and your organization to defend against API attackers with a solid API Security strategy.
Zwei himmlische Töchter is a German television series.
Adelheid und ihre Mörder was a German comedy-drama television series broadcast between 1992 and 2006 by Norddeutscher Rundfunk. 65, 50 minute episodes in five series were produced. Directors included Ulrich Stark, Arend Agthe, Claus-Michael Rhone, Stephan Meyer and Stefan Bart Mann.
Wangyou, Master of Hanshui Temple died mysteriously and when the news about a golden coffin spreads throughout the world, it triggered disputes between the World of Martial arts. Join a group of youths, Lei Wujie, Xiao Se, Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo, Heavenly Maiden Rui in their adventure as the mystery of the golden coffin unravels.
When a tragedy befalls their fellow students on graduation day, three pupils of the Hayate Way's Ninja Academy must take on the Jakanja — a clan of evil space warriors. But they can't do it alone. Can they find the help they need? And can the young warriors act swiftly enough to defeat the Jakanja before they destroy the known universe?
From the beginning of the Middle Ages, castles have imposed themselves as symbols of power. Over time, France will cover itself with fortresses built according to almost identical plans. It was in the 12th and 13th centuries that castles took their typical form and truly knew their golden age! Their architecture will freeze for eternity the very image of these medieval buildings. How to explain this prosperous period? What technologies did the architects of the Middle Ages deploy to accomplish such monumental works? To better understand it, we will follow a group of medieval history enthusiasts. Together, they imagined a crazy project: to build a real fortified castle using the methods of the 13th century. Through this titanic challenge, this documentary finally pierces the mysteries of the great builders of History.
Hafiz Journey is a show created by Muhammad Hafiz under his production house Hafiz Motion Pictures Ltd. Hafiz Journey began airing from 2016 to late 2018, with the guest star being Hafiz's best friend and closest person.
Saichon is an islander living on Min island. One day, destiny leads him to find Fahlada, a 17-year-old girl lying unconscious on the beach. When she wakes up, he realizes that she lost all her memories. Saichon takes care of her and names her Nang Fah (angel) because he doesn't know her real name and she doesn't remember it. They fall in love with each other and live together.