This series takes the contestants back to Camp Wawanakwa, only this time with thirteen new contestants; Anne Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Sam, Scott, Staci, and Zoey. Additionally the island is radioactive due to becoming a nuclear waste dump. This new season has new friendships, new rivalries, new relationships, and the biggest drama to date.
Join Tucker Carlson and his team as their cameras take you inside the issues for a new documentary news magazine, ‘Tucker Carlson Originals’
After proving themselves to be the best players of a video game by the name of Cyberkidz, four children are given headsets that enable them to enter the virtual reality of Cyberland, and are tasked with saving it from the dictatorial and violent rule of Zorak (Heinrich James) and his powerful, large-chinned lackey Zeist (Robert Z'Dar). In Cyberland, the children are provided with gloves that give them unbelievable powers, powers that Zorak believes he could use to invade Earth.
The story describes Taiwan in the 70s, when it's economy is beginning to take off, and the daily pains of the Taiwanese workers.
Amanda Giese and her family and friends tackle and treat the most hopeless cases within her in-home animal rehab and rescue in rural Washington.
Gábor Báthory was the ruler of Principality of Transylvania from 1608 to 1613. The infamous Elisabeth Báthory was his relative. The young Báthory is daring handsome and the idol of women, and triumphantly acquires the throne of Transylvania. The young ruler is the hope of the Transylvanian people, who have long suffered from wars. However, the ambitious Báthory pursues glory. He turns into a deranged tyrant, his best friend, the wise Gábor Bethlen, also becomes his mortal enemy and infuriates the neighboring great powers. Huge armies of the Ottomans, Wallachians, Poles, Hungarians and Cossacks attack Transylvania because of Báthory's adventurism.
Emotions resurface when a school teacher and her former student reconnect three years after sharing a forbidden attraction that scarred them both.
To protect the woman he loves, a white collar worker unintentionally becomes involved in a murder case and is from then on a suspect. In the blink of an eye, his quiet and boring life gets completely shaken up as he suddenly is both being chased by the police as well as gangsters.
Dedicated investigators uncover the devastating chain of circumstances that caused a maritime disaster. With the evidence at the bottom of the sea, ingenuity is required to find the cause – whether it is human error or the uncontrollable ocean.
Shown as six one-hour programmes on BBC2, "Story of Music" presents Howard’s personal view of the musical timeline from the stone age to the digital age, including the influence of classical music on the growth of popular music as well as the evolution of blues, jazz and world music.
The series revolves around a young law school graduate Nasser (Mohammed Ramadan) who lives in the Sabbatiyah area, seeking to join the judiciary. In conflicts with a major arms dealer
Exploring the bustling oases where elephants, lions, leopards and hundreds of other species meet and compete for water.
Double Trouble is an Australian children's television series on the Nine Network. It was produced by the Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association. Double Trouble was the remake of the 1984 American series starring former twin actresses Jean and Liz Sagal