Twin Spica is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kou Yaginuma. The "realistic, slice-of-life science fiction series" tells the story of a group of Japanese high school students training to become astronauts in the early 21st century after the country's first human spaceflight launch ends in a disaster that causes many civilian casualties. It was serialized in the seinen manga magazine Comic Flapper from September 2001 to August 2009 and was later published in 16 tankōbon volumes by Media Factory from January 2002 to October 2009.
A transfer student Asai Mugi is a painfully shy girl. She is so shy that she can't speak when she becomes seriously nervous. However, for some reason, she is spotted and recruited as a member of the drama club.
Fumika and Kanaka are mail carriers- but not the typical kind. For one, Kanaka is a talking staff and for two, Fumika delivers shigofumi: letters from the dead addressed to the living. These letters are a final, true, communication derived from hate, hope, and love. The story unfolds following this pair and their uncommon job as well as Fumika's unique 'situation'.
Eden 1 rules over about 50 planets throughout the galaxy. With the aid of his two faithful retainers Duke Sukedo and Baron Kakusu, Prince Mito decides to undertake a royal inspection tour of the planets undercover. However, the empire is a dangerous place and is plagued with vice feudal lords and corrupt space merchants, as well as other evil people. Using the royal family's weapon, the combining robot Daiohja, Prince Mito punishes any kind of villians that are within Eden 1's empire.
A young group of cadets come together to pursue a common dream of hope and optimism. Under the watchful and demanding eyes of their instructors, they will discover what it takes to become Starfleet officers as they navigate blossoming friendships, explosive rivalries, first loves and a new enemy that threatens both the Academy and the Federation itself.
A comedy about a former genius who has now become very eccentric and senile. His family deals with all the crazy problems he and his old friends cause around the neighborhood.
The Angelic Guard, who call the heavens their home, have been tasked with collecting the orbs scattered across the world. Lucifer—a leader of the Angelic Guard with a rebellious streak, said to wield power rivaling the Almighty—carries out her duty along with Uriel, also a leader of the guard. Together, they go about executing their mission, until Holy Magistrate Keter—the one who leads the heavens under the Almighty's will—tells Uriel of Lucifer's planned rebellion. Initially in disbelief, Uriel then learns that the accusations against Lucifer may be connected to an event that once threatened to shatter the heavens.
Bewegte Männer is a German sitcom television series, based on the comic by Ralf König. 39 episodes were aired on Sat. 1 between 2003 and 2005.
British interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen joins European lottery winners as they hunt for a dream home. From exotic castles to refurbished cottages, Laurence helps them get their foot in the real estate market across the United Kingdom and Europe.
Orphaned when he was not yet ten, Musashi grows up skilled in the martial arts. During the Battle of Sekigahara, he fights on the side of the losing Toyotomi forces, but eludes the enemy as they hunt down the vanquished soldiers. He then spends years wandering the countryside mastering the sword. As his fame spreads throughout the nation, men seek him out to test their skills against him--most notably Sasaki Kojiro who faces Musashi in the ultimate duel at Ganryujima.
Dead by Dawn is the first ever horror nature series. This genre bending series showcases the horror that is reality in the wild when the sun goes down.
When traditional methods of dealing with human mysteries fail to provide help, the people profiled in "The uneXplained" turn to the supernatural world. Featuring first-hand accounts from people dealing with a range of unusual afflictions including undiagnosed disease, physical limitation, loss of memory, an unsettled cause of death, paranormal activity and unsolved crime, episodes profile individuals who seek remedies from intuitive healers, spirit channelers, psychic mediums, and practitioners in other metaphysical fields.
Although D.I.E had been dissolved and the officers returned to their previous departments, their odd habits continue to follow them, resulting in many troubles for the police force. The senior staff decide to bring the D.I.E back, this time headed by Lo Sir, Yue Sir's former supervisor. Yue Sir and Jing Jing have a baby boy and Jing jing returns to work after trying to be a housewife to no avail. Initially working with the homicide unit again, she is still always chasing Dai-Hau-Ying, and after several incidents is sent back to D.I.E. Ying seems to have become less evil than before, but Jing jing continues to attempt arrest, much to the chagrin of her supervisors.