Big Break is a British game show based around the game of snooker, mixed with traditional game show elements. It was broadcast on BBC1 between 30 April 1991 and 9 October 2002. It influenced a later game show for the network called Full Swing, but based around golf, and itself was in part influenced by ITV's long-running darts quiz Bullseye.
Spin - off series on the character leo from the world of Permanent Roommates
The true beauty of dance transcends all. Pyeong Ho is a young North Korean refugee in South Korea. He meets and befriends Lee Sun Woo, the talented principal dancer for the Korean National Ballet. After being exposed to the exciting world of dance through his new friend, Pyeong Ho is set in a life direction he never could have anticipated — that of a true ballerino.
A close-knit group of young twenty-something artists living, loving, and figuring out how to pay the rent in Memphis, TN.
Da Ming Palace is the biggest ever royal palace in the history of human archaeology, with a building area 3.5 times that of the Forbidden City. This film tells the stories of the rise and fall of Da Ming Palace in glorious Tang dynasty through fantastic visionary effect, and tries to find out the pride and honorable days and the true value of the great Tang dynasty.
Raktanchal is a crime drama inspired by real-life events from the '80s of Purvanchal, Uttar Pradesh, at the time when the state development work was distributed through tenders. The criminal empire of Waseem Khan, the tender mafia is challenged by a young criminal Vijay Singh who is driven by vengeance. The story sets in motion, a clash for acquiring tenders with a political battle in the background, which unleashes a bloodbath in the city of Purvanchal. Vijay must overcome great personal odds to beat Waseem Khan and become the tender king.
The two-part series features 30-minute all-access episodes taking fight fans inside the training camps of both fighters.
Nine Kilometers of Love focuses on the story of six people in their early twenties and their journey in the aviation industry. Lin Shu comes from an aviation family. His father influenced him to become a professional pilot at a really young age.
BET presents film favorites with the new "BET's Star Cinema" celebrating African American achievement in film, "BET's Star Cinema" showcases popular black movies for viewers' enjoyment. In late 2009, BET changed "BlackBuster Movie" to "BET's Star Cinema".
Pity Laughs is a Sketch Show created by Joe Murphy & James Ormrod
Love, conflict, family - nobody's done it better. Acting legends reflect on the greatest writer who ever lived – and the dangerous, exciting world that ignited his creativity.
This five-part docu-series chronicles the rise, fall and rebirth of Image Comics, which transformed the industry for creator-owned work. Features the seven Image founders plus Robert Kirkman, Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue DeConnick, and many more.
Hedz was a children's satirical show produced by BBC Scotland for CBBC. Hedz parodied various celebrities and politicians as large cardboard cut-outs over people's faces. Voices were provided by Tim Dann, Rupert Degas, Peter Dickson and Kate O'Sullivan. The first series aired during the second series of the children's Saturday morning show TMi on BBC Two in 2007. A second series was produced in 2010 and was aired as part of Sam & Mark's TMi Friday on the CBBC Channel.