Moving Wallpaper is a British satirical comedy-drama television series set in a TV production unit. It ran on ITV for two series in 2008–2009. The subject of the first series was the production of a soap called Echo Beach, each episode of which aired directly after the Moving Wallpaper episode about its production. The second series was based around the production of a "zombie show" called Renaissance. Ben Miller confirmed in May 2009 on his Twitter account that no further series will be made. The title, "Moving Wallpaper", is a disparaging term applied to uninspiring TV shows, or to television in general, referring to the perception that modern television viewers are "mindless absorbers of images", as if staring at wallpaper.
A view into the lives of several women and their families who live in one of the wealthiest communities in the country with the viewer taken "inside the gates" to show their lives aren't always perfect.
Make Me a Supermodel is a British reality television modeling competition hosted and judged by New Zealander model Rachel Hunter, airing on the television channel Five. A U.S. version began airing 2 January 2008 on the cable network Bravo.
Karma is a 25 part Indian weekly superhero-fantasy television drama aired on STAR Plus from August 27, 2004 to February 11, 2005 on Friday nights. Karma, directed by Pawan Kaul and written by Subodh Chopra, involves the battle between good and evil as the titular superhero faced off against demonic evil. The main cast of the show was Siddharth Choudhary in the titular role of Karma, Riva Bubber and Tinu Anand. In 2007, the drama was re-aired on STAR Utsav.
A brave general's daughter and a young emperor, initially at odds, gradually fall in love as they overcome challenges, working together to strengthen their country and serve its people.
High school may be tough, but Woo Hyun has a guardian angel looking over him — literally. Disguised as a naive high schooler, Lee Seul Bi descends from the heavens to protect Woo Hyun's life, but discovers she's got a thing or two to learn about life as a teenager, including the pains of falling in love. Can this cherubic guardian protect the apple of her eye and also manage to survive high school?
Xiao Jian, director of economic investigation, cracked a mysterious financial case with the financial tycoon Xu Feng as the mastermind, but later became involved in a larger transnational money laundering group. Xiao Jian accidentally obtained Xu Feng's hidden diary and discovered another identity that Xu Feng tried so hard to conceal.
We meet, we get to know each other, we fall in love; we kiss, we embrace, we get physical, and we enjoy the moment, but does it mean that we really have each other? Is it possible that all kinds of desires, both physical and abstract, can make a difference in a relationship? Because even though I love you, I still think of others.
My first trip to Africa is a 5 week adventure through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia. Captured in this travel documentary.
Jung Se Ro (Yoon Kye Sang) lost his father and his life was destroyed by a murder case in Thailand which also involved stolen diamonds. After that incident, Se Ro lives his life as a swindler. Park Kang Jae (Jo Jin Woong) is his partner in crime and they are close like brothers. Se Ro then falls in love with Han Young Won (Han Ji Hye) whose her fiance died because of Jung Se Ro.
On the front line of crime. Stop and search, sudden deaths and rural robberies - new recruits from Leicestershire's diverse communities take on the highs and lows of policing.
A fantasy romance series between a god who writes people’s destinies, and a person living that life.
Cutting-edge stories about the origins of the universe, black holes, exploding stars, the search for ET life, and the nature of the planets. How did the universe begin? Where will it end? Are there other worlds like Earth?
During the 1990s, Xu Ban Xia is a woman with vision and strength who overcomes many obstacles in the male-dominated steel industry to carve out a place for herself. Xu Ban Xia's mother died during childbirth while her father never cared for her. In spite of this, Xu Ban Xia has grown tough, proud and fearless in the face of challenges. Xu Ban Xia and her good friends Xiao Chen and Tong Xiao Qi venture into the transport of scrap steel. In an industry where men have an absolute advantage, Xu Ban Xia relies on her adventurous spirit and pragmatic attitude to weather many untold hardships and even survives death. She eventually opens up an international steel import business. Xu Banxia develops a keen sense for the market to gradually expands their business, pushing herself to grow in her field while also finding love.
Kazutoyo lived during the end of the Sengoku period (1546-1605). He was the first feudal lord of the fief of Tosa on the island of Shikoku. He served Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Chiyo (1557-1617) was his wife, and was known in history for her dedication and devotion to her husband (like Matsu was to Toshiie in Toshiie to Matsu). She is the daughter of a samurai who served the feudal lord Asai.
Filmed over the course of a year, this three-part documentary follows those who live in one of the most extraordinary places on the planet, Australia's Great Barrier Reef.