Released from prison after serving a prison sentence, Stanley Bowler sets about trying to 'better' himself. The basic premise of the series revolves around Bowler's attempts to develop a more cultured personality, as he tries to understand the fine arts, and to move into higher social circles.
On Christmas morning, Fujino Ryoko finds her classmate Kashiwagi Takuya’s dead body at their snow covered school. The police and the school conclude that Kashiwagi Takuya died by suicide. At that time, an anonymous letter is delivered to Fujino Ryoko. The letter states that Kashiwagi Takuya was murdered by a group of students including Ooide Shunji. The media and SNS begin to question whether Kashiwagi Takuya really died by suicide or was he murdered. The school principal tries to take control of the narrative, but this leads to a more chaotic situation. Fujino Ryoko is disturbed by people's reaction to Kashiwagi Takuya’s death. She asks for a trial and an unprecedented school trial begins.
The story revolves around the love, friendship and relationships between four characters who meet by chance.
The TikTok sensation, Francis Bourgeois, will give audiences and his guests a glimpse into the art of wild transpotting.
Gam Wah appears to be a cop who can easily betray his own dignity and accept bribes. While investigating a human trafficking case, he meets Leung Sam, a woman who has taken a vow of celibacy. Leung Sam and her friend, Fa Ying Yuet, had been kidnapped when they were young, thus, they hate human traffickers. They equally hate corrupt public servants, with the exception of Gam Wah's colleague, Sum Yat Yin, whose upright and honest character catches Leung Sam's eye and she even falls in love with him. Gam Wah and Sum Yat Yin are initially polar opposites, but after Gam Wah's acceptance of a bribe causes the death of a witness, it starts to touch his conscience. However, at the time, the police and the underworld each had their own unbreakable, unwritten laws. Sum Yat Yin is demoted amidst the power struggle of businessman and detective. It puts his relationship with Leung Sam to the test. Seeing all of this, Gam Wah's heart aches, but all he can do is stay silently by Leung Sam's side and secretly hope that he can make up for his past mistakes.
Like snow falling in summer, like a cicada lamenting the coming of winter... In a town watched over by a whale in the sky... the extraordinary is made ordinary. Spectacles that could never be given form are instead given flesh and soul. And in their midst, the story of a miracle that comes to pass in this town of miracles incarnate... For Kuonji, this newly-discovered vision is a thing of wonder and fright – a sentiment not shared by his peers. Under its watchful gaze, Kuonji chats with and hangs out with his somewhat unusual friends. Whether it's with Nina and her striped panties, cat-loving Sacchan, the strange alien Allen or a variety of other busty, skimpily-dressed babes, Kuonji finds himself in the middle of ecchi situations galore! Welcome to the world of Final Examination Kujira.