Chapi Chapo is a French short stop-motion series. Created by Italo Bettiol and Stephano Lonati, with music by François de Roubaix, it premiered in 1974 on RF Television and ran for 60 5-minute episodes. The show aired on American television in the 1980s as part of Nickelodeon's Pinwheel. It was named "Chapi Chapo" as a play-on-words with the French word, chapeaux, which means "hats". Both of the main characters wore oversized hats that matched their clothing. The one in red is Chapi and the one in blue is Chapo. Each episode ends with a little dance.
The drama's story twists around to ask what would happen if Lee Myong Ryong was unattractive, while his servant Bang Ja Jeon was attractive? During Lee Myong Ryong's courtship with Lady Chun Hyang both parties use their servants to communicate...
ToddWorld is an animated children's TV programme about the adventures of a boy named Todd and his friends. ToddWorld features the artistic style of Todd Parr's children's books and was created by Todd Parr and writer Gerry Renert of SupperTime Entertainmenet. The show is produced by Mike Young Productions, an award-winning animation studio based in Woodland Hills, California and Merthyr Mawr, Wales. The show is notable for its bold lines and bright colors. Each ten-minute episode conveys a message about tolerance, diversity and acceptance. It has won many awards and been nominated for many more.
❝ Nyein Oo ❞ is a small fisherman who works at the lighthouse for a living. Before working at the lighthouse, Nyein Oo accidentally met a girl named ❝Hla Choo❞, because of her willingness to help. I had to marry a beautiful woman and live together as a pretend husband and wife. 🌊 One day, a storm hit the beach where Nyein Oo and his boat capsized, and a rich girl named ❝ Shwe ❞ washed away. While being rescued by Nyein Oo, they fell in love with each other and pretended to be beautiful. But because Shwe has to go back home and marry someone who is supported by her parents I had to be far away from love. 🌊 Apart from first love, a peaceful family life Beautifully built though One day, in a fateful storm, a beautiful Nyein Oo and her son found out that they had died in a car accident. 🌊 The beautiful mother and son really died.... ❓ Did Shwe get married to the breadwinner? How will the relationship between Nyein Oo and Shwe, who were far from being in love....
Doctor and research specialist Jun Jiu finds herself the victim of a spiked drink in a business plot. Having been pulled into a wormhole by an unfamiliar girl, Jun Jiu inadvertently swaps souls with her and is transmigrated into an unknown cultivation world as the daughter of the Jun family. After deciding to take revenge on those who had wronged the previous owner of her body, Jun Jiu saves a sealed Mo Wuyue without realizing his true identity. With firm determination and knowledge from her previous life, Jun Jiu walks on the path of cultivation along with her mystic cat, while Mo Wuyue supports her from the shadows despite his aloof facade.
Ran Shu grew up in an orphanage, and her beloved sister Gu Ru Yue, made Ran Shu handicapped in order to be adopted by rich people. Later, Ran Shu married photographer Zhang Ze Yi, not knowing he's abusive and use domestic violence to make her obedient. Ran Shu wanted to escape from Ze Yi's clutches, but she fell deeper and deeper, until her sister Gu Ru Yue came to seduce her husband. Ran Shu sees the whole situation, a chance to escape from her cage, and starts plotting, using her sister and husband affair, to her own advantage.
Melbourne Weekender is hosted by Jo Silvagni. It's a weekly half-hour program showing how Melburnians can have a good weekend. The show airs on Channel 7 Melbourne, Saturdays at 5.30pm. Melbourne Weekender has a range of presenters who feature stories on gardening, pets, renovating, fishing, boating, dining, entertainment and where to take the family around Melbourne. Dr Katrina Warren is the vet dealing with pets and animals. Peter Mitchell covers entertainment and celebrities. Mel Kotsos looks at things to do with the family. Andrew Laidlaw covers gardening. Arni Sleemen is the cook that shows Melburnians the best places to dine. Reuben Buchanan covers health and fitness. The show is produced by Dreampool Productions and the website, which has free video segments available to watch, is built by Dreampool Digital.
When dark secrets she shared with her psychologist Ya’akov, threaten to destroy her closest relationships, school teacher Hadas is drawn into a complex and deeply personal search to hide her most intimate secrets and for the truth in this gripping psychological drama from Keren Margalit.
Koombaya, it's Eek the cat and all his friends. Annabelle, Eek's 800-pound girlfriend, Sharky the vicious but lovable sharkdog, and Elmo the elk. Plus you can watch the Terrible Thunderlizards try to make Bill and Scooter, the cavemen, extinct. Plus there's Klutter who's, well, we're not exactly sure what Klutter is, but watch and find out for yourself.
Heir Chen Zhuo goes undercover as a security guard at Xu Meiying's company to uncover the truth behind his mother's death, only to unexpectedly become her live-in son-in-law. Meanwhile, his ambitious twin brother, Chen Yue, impersonates him to secure the family inheritance. Under mounting family pressure, he faces challenges that lead him to confront deception and seek a fresh start.
Rosuke Narumi works at a trading company and he is pretty good at his job. He dates Satoko Matsubara. The trading company has a business relationship with a private high school experiencing some difficulties. One day, Rosuke Narumi is appointed as the principle of the private high school. Rosuke Narumi soon discovers how different the work environment is from his previous job. So the school can run in the black, Rosuke Narumi implements cost cutting measures. School staff members including Chihiro Mashiba oppose his plan.
'Dalgona' will center around high school students who are searching for true friendship. Song Mi Na studies abroad after being bullied, and though she has a bright and optimistic personality, it's obvious the past still haunts her when she returns to South Korea.
27-year-old Brian Richards suffers from the same disorder as Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man – an individual with horrific disfigurements who rose to become a celebrity in Victorian times. Now Brian is about to embark upon a unique journey to bring the Elephant Man back to life. While Brian traces Merrick’s footsteps in London, a team of international scientists has been granted unprecedented access to Merrick’s skeleton. Equipped with the latest in medical and computer technology, they will attempt to recreate how the Elephant Man walked and talked and – for the first time – they’ll solve the mystery of his sudden death.
On their way from Egypt to the promised land, Moses and his family struggle to manage the hardest part of their nation's journey: the people.
Newly found fossils may reveal an unprecedent snapshot of the day the dinosaurs died.