Delta State is a Canadian animated television series, based on a comic book by Douglas Gayeton, featuring four amnesiac roommates with the ability to subconsciously enter an ethereal realm known as the Delta State. They face the dual tasks of piecing together their past lives and battling a group of Delta State denizens called Rifters, who seek to control the human mind. The main characters are Claire, Martin, Luna, and Philip. The series debuted September 11, 2004 on Teletoon, the Canadian cartoon television network. It is the first animated television series to be entirely rotoscoped, taking over 27 months to complete. Delta State is a French / Canadian co-production with designs, story-boards etc. done by Alphanim in Paris; shooting and recording were performed by Nelvana Canada. The project was conceived by Douglas Gayeton, who also directed the original pilot and wrote the bible for the show. The show has won the Special Award for a TV program at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival and the Frames 2004 for best Asian Production. The series aired in France from March 9, 2005 on Canal+.
Luna Palacios (voice)
Plasmo is an Australian children's science fiction claymation TV series that consisted of a half-hour short film made in 1989 followed by thirteen 5-minute episodes made in 1997 which aired on the ABC, and 24 other countries. The series was certified a G rating. Plasmo Mega Studios, the show's production company, was founded in 1993 "with the express purpose of producing the stop motion animation series". The company closed down 11 years later in 2004. Plasmo models were featured in the 1998 Canberra Design and Construction Exhibition Concepts, at the National Film and Sound Archive. According to Anthony Lawrence, he "devised, wrote, directed, co-produced and co-animated" the series. Lawrence has uploaded all 13 episodes in a playlist on his YouTube channel, as well as excerpts of his 20 minutes documentary in a separate playlist.
Meet Slavica, Joca, Moma and Kami! Just for you, they open the doors of a happy and harmonious radio newsroom, where they carefully prepare an exceptional entertaining music program and fulfill your musical wishes. The special guest in the first show is Ana Bekuta.
Heir Chen Zhuo goes undercover as a security guard at Xu Meiying's company to uncover the truth behind his mother's death, only to unexpectedly become her live-in son-in-law. Meanwhile, his ambitious twin brother, Chen Yue, impersonates him to secure the family inheritance. Under mounting family pressure, he faces challenges that lead him to confront deception and seek a fresh start.
An adventure series set in 1946, two pivotal years before the State of Israel was founded. A seemingly innocent training farm secretly functions as a Strike Forces (Palmach) training base and recruitment center for exceptional teens, as well as a home-base for illegal immigration missions and special ops against the British mandate. The show's heroes are brother and sister Emile and Elinore – fresh off the boat illegal immigrants. The native Israelis initially mock them for their otherness, but soon realize they’re better off sticking together if they want to survive through the exhausting training, the imminent dangers and the surprising secret that comes to light: proof that it is them who can salvage the budding State.
From the perspective of an explorer, the play tells the heroic story of Liang Chen, the chief of the reconnaissance section of a certain division of the Volunteer Army, who led a reconnaissance company as a vanguard during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and repeatedly relied on superior strategies and tactics to fight the US military.
Follow All Star Musicals features a cast of famous faces who each perform an iconic number from a hit musical at the legendary Palladium Theatre in London's West End. After each performance, the panel awards the celebrities a score and at the end of the night, these scores are combined with the studio audience vote to crown one celebrity the All Star Musicals champion.
Wonders of the Monsoon’ will explore the worlds of such places as the Himalayas to Northern Australia. The show will look at how the wildlife and culture of these places has shaped the Earth through some of its greatest natural phenomena on the planet. The series will take a journey to see how life manages to flourish under the tumultuous weather conditions that annually transforms an enormous part of our planet.
"Alone" veterans must use their skills, experience and 10 items to survive 50 brutal days along the frigid and windswept coast of Labrador, Canada.
Set in 1930s Shanghai, Jiang Xin, an heir to a wealthy family, loses her memory in an accident. Du Xiaohan assumes her identity, while the real Jiang Xin is captured by powerful businessman Bai Zhangjie.
A Japanese late night variety show that covered sexy idol music groups, gravure models, shiatsu, naked apron cooking, bath cinema and lingerie