ALF: The Animated Series(1987)
ALF: The Animated Series is an animated cartoon spin-off based on the live-action Sitcom series ALF. It premiered on September 26, 1987 and ran for 26 episodes. ALF Tales was a spinoff from the series that ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays from August 1988 to December 1989. The show had characters from that series play various characters from fairy tales. The fairy tale was usually altered for comedic effect in a manner relational to Fractured Fairy Tales.
Production Companies:
Top 4 Billed Cast
Recommendations TVs
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (en)
A television anthology series hosted by Alfred Hitchcock featuring dramas, thrillers, and mysteries.
Alf Tales (en)
ALF Tales is an animated American series that ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays from August 1988 to December 1989. The show was a spinoff from the series ALF: The Animated Series. The show had characters from that series play various characters from fairy tales. The fairy tale was usually altered for comedic effect in a manner relational to Fractured Fairy Tales. Each story typically spoofs a film genre, such as the "Cinderella" episode done as an Elvis movie. Some episodes featured a "fourth wall" effect where ALF is backstage preparing for the episode, and Rob Cowan would appear drawn as a TV executive to try to brief ALF on how to improve this episode. For instance Cowan once told ALF who was readying for a medieval themed episode that "less than 2% of our audience lives in the Dark Ages".
Plus & Minus (zh)
Zheng Ze Shou and Fu Li Gong have been inseparable friends since their childhood. Now they're neighbors who also work at the same law firm. But unbeknownst to everyone else, Fu Li Gong has been carrying a secret torch for Zheng Ze Shou ever since a certain incident on the night of his eighteenth birthday. As both their families keep trying to set them up with girls, they come up with one way after another to get out of it. But in the process, the equilibrium that has lasted through more than twenty years of friendship begins to crumble. Before they lived in a comfortable balance, but now they find themselves falling helplessly toward each other. Kato Yuki is a much sought-after bartender who keeps patrons coming back just to see him. Meanwhile, Jian Ying Ze runs a laundromat upstairs from the bar. Finally fed up with the noise and chaos from downstairs, he rushes down to confront the manager of the bar, only to meet Kato Yuki. Slowly, Jian Ying Ze opens up to him.
The Legend of Jinyan (zh)
A brave general's daughter and a young emperor, initially at odds, gradually fall in love as they overcome challenges, working together to strengthen their country and serve its people.
Amanda to the Rescue (en)
Amanda Giese and her family and friends tackle and treat the most hopeless cases within her in-home animal rehab and rescue in rural Washington.
The Ingenious One (zh)
Yun Xiang, a disciple of Yuntai, entered the arena after ten years of hard practice. In the process of traversing the rivers and lakes, Yun Xiang met several friends and gradually realized the warmth of friendship. Shu Yanan, a weird elf, intelligent and alert woman, made Yun Xiang even more dimly affectionate. The energetic Yunxiang and his friends spent a period of happiness and enmity together. But the good times didn't last long. With the in-depth investigation of the past genocide tragedies, Yun Xiang unearthed more appalling secrets, and the situation began to take a turn for the worse. He has experienced deception, betrayal, and separation of life and death, and realized that Yuntai, which once took the blessing of life, has long fallen. Yun Xiang decided to stand up and defend the justice in his heart, even at the expense of himself.
Malibu, CA (en)
Malibu, CA is an American teen sitcom television program produced by Saved by the Bell creator Peter Engel that aired from 1998 to 2000 on syndication. Co-created by Engel and Carl Kurlander, the show centred around the lives of twin brothers Scott and Jason Collins, who move to Malibu, California from New York City to live with their father, Peter. Guest appearances on the show included Dennis Haskins, Scott Whyte and Marissa Dyan from City Guys, Daniella Deutscher from Hang Time, and model Victoria Silvstedt. The series was one of two post-Saved by the Bell: The College Years series executive produced by Peter Engel that did not air on NBC's TNBC lineup, USA High being the other. Prior to the 2012 premiere of The First Family, Malibu, CA was the last situation comedy to be broadcast for the first-run syndication market.
Visa for the Future (bs)
One of the first post-Independence Bosnian sitcoms. Production started on June 22, 2001 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The final episode was filmed in Sarajevo on August 25, 2008 and aired in October. It eventually became one of the region's most popular sitcoms.
Melbourne Weekender (en)
Melbourne Weekender is hosted by Jo Silvagni. It's a weekly half-hour program showing how Melburnians can have a good weekend. The show airs on Channel 7 Melbourne, Saturdays at 5.30pm. Melbourne Weekender has a range of presenters who feature stories on gardening, pets, renovating, fishing, boating, dining, entertainment and where to take the family around Melbourne. Dr Katrina Warren is the vet dealing with pets and animals. Peter Mitchell covers entertainment and celebrities. Mel Kotsos looks at things to do with the family. Andrew Laidlaw covers gardening. Arni Sleemen is the cook that shows Melburnians the best places to dine. Reuben Buchanan covers health and fitness. The show is produced by Dreampool Productions and the website, which has free video segments available to watch, is built by Dreampool Digital.
Who Killed Trudie Adams? (en)
It's been forty years since 18-year-old Trudie Adams asked her mum to wait up for her after a night of dancing at a surf club on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. She never made it home. The disappearance and suspected murder of Trudie Adams left a family and tight-knit community devastated.
Sorcerer Hunters (ja)
In the continent of spooner, sorcerers, who are the continent's aristocrats, have begun to abuse their powers. Under the guidance of Big Momma (their boss) Carrot (who turns into a giant monster every time he's placed under a magic spell), Gateau (a bodybuilder), Marron (a mage), Chocolate and Tira (who can transform into dominatrix's at will) must stop the evil sorcerers from picking on the weak. However, none of them (except maybe Marron) have a clue to what’s going on.
Love Undercover (tr)
Onur Karasu is a successful intelligence agent who was promoted to head of the department at a young age and has been after Civan Koral, the owner of Turkey's largest jewelry company. Onur, who thinks that Civan keeps the documents related to his illegal business in the safe in his house, becomes lovers with Civan's sister Hilal in order to get in and out of the house. When he learns that Civan will move abroad, Onur makes a sudden decision to propose to Hilal in order to get the documents without letting her get away. He plans to open the safe on their engagement day and arrest Civan, who is there for his sister's engagement. What he doesn't take into account is Hilal's close friend Ece. While Ece is trying to figure out what Onur is up to, her plans are upset when Onur catches her. Onur and Ece, two poles as opposite as day and night, will have to work together in a way they never wanted to.