The series follows 24 year old Mahati (Amrutha Srinivasan) through a series of misadventures that begin after being forced into an arranged marriage. Then the newly married Mahati accidentally stabs her husband to death in self-defense after a heated argument. She then promptly wipes her blood-spattered face and calls her boyfriend to clean up the mess. This sets off a chain of events that the true nature of every character involved in this marriage
The anthology series showcases how a single social media post, instigated by negative emotions, can change one's life forever.
"Idol in My Living Room" is a youth melodrama that unfolds when Joy, an excellent student at Sejong Institute, and Yeo One, a Hallyu idol, accidentally end up living in the same house.
A series chronicling the events which shaped the continent of Europe as we now know it.
Kaputol ng Isang Awit or Unsung Melody is an Philippine drama airing on GMA Network, as the seventh instalment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1991. The series will air weekly on Honolulu's KIKU on Sundays at 3:00.
On April 24, 1974, the brutally murdered body of Anni Nielsen Iranzo was discovered; beaten and strangled in her Oslo home. She was 3 months pregnant. There was only one witness to the crime, Anni’s four-year-old daughter, Maria. Now 48 years old, Maria sets out to find the truth about who killed her mother.
Remember in one scene he began by serving guard Nguyen Van Hanh returned to the East Village, where he was born and grew up under the body parts of people at home. The successful revolution, the great wall returned to the East Village as a hero, a son back home. However everything is happening in this place again very strange and contradictory than your conscious mind. The victory has come and bring their land, fairness for the people but the ghosts of the harsh colonial, feudal still cling here as a minor renders the smoke cannot be washed off.
Fat Dog Mendoza is an animated children's show created by Scott Musgrove. The show follows a smart-mouthed dog who is incredibly obese, so much to the point that he is ball shaped with small, stubby legs. Other characters include Little Costumed Buddy, Piranha Mae, and Onion Boy. The group try to fight crime in the fictional neighbourhood "Neighbourhood X" and they try to search for justice but often fail humorously. The Series lasted until 2001. This was the first Cartoon Network European co-production. It aired again on Cartoon Network UK until 2005.
Manmohan runs a business and is married to a simple girl, while Narayan is unemployed but has an ultra-modern wife. Both attempt to impress each other's spouse, landing themselves in funny situations.
Ring Raiders is an animated television series based on a 1980s toy line made by Matchbox.