Commando VIP is a British reality television show that aired on Five. It put six celebrities through tough military-style challenges after being trained by three real commandos. The celebrities who took part were: ⁕Nigel Benn ⁕Steve Collins ⁕Jason Cowan ⁕Ryan Dunn ⁕Lee Latchford Evans ⁕Heather Peace
Two years have passed and the new school year begins again. With it comes the resurrection of the Gifted program, and a hidden threat from the Ministry led by Darin, a new teacher. Time, a promising new student and member of the newest gifted generation, seek change within the school while upholding its hierarchical structure. Filled with danger and more complications than it seems, what will the final battle be like? Who will be victorious? Will Pang and his companions be able to maintain their friendship and ideals? Can they defeat Director Supot? Or They Will Fail?
Alex Honnold leads an expedition to Greenland to climb a huge 4,000 foot sea cliff and investigate the impacts climate change on the region.
Ctrl is an American comedy web series by NBC. It is the first stand-alone web series launched by a major television network. The series stars Tony Hale as a typical office-working, self-confidence-lacking nerd who discovers he can undo things in real life. It is an adaptation and expansion of the short film Ctrl Z by Robert Kirbyson, which was a winner at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. CTRL was spotted and developed by SXM from the original short film Ctrl Z, which was screened at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008. SXM ultimately partnered with NBC's digital studio to produce the online series. After NBC shut the digital studio in 2011, all rights reverted to SXM, who are currently developing Season 2 with Yahoo and a private investor. As of early 2012, the episodes appear to have been removed from the NBC website, but can be found on Hulu.
Online dating, mobile apps, and matchmaking through friends may be viable options for some, but not all. When the modern ways of dating don’t work, four singles go to the two people who know them best—their parents—in hopes of finding their soulmates and walking down the aisle.
Married To A Lie is a television miniseries produced by Vertigo Production in 2008. Married To A Lie received the award for Best Miniseries of 2009 at the Venla Finnish Television Awards gala 2010.
Two brothers, one a bachelor and undercover detective, the other a married rent-a-cop are reunited in Chicago. Things come easily to Damon Thomas, a clever, but incorrect undercover cop.