Full Frontal was an Australian sketch comedy series which debuted in 1993. The show first aired on the Seven Network on 13 May 1993, and finished on 18 September 1997. In 1998 a spin-off of the show moved to Network Ten under the name Totally Full Frontal, losing most of the original cast in the process and finished in 1999. Since 2008, re-runs have begun screening on The Comedy Channel as part of the channel's "Aussie Gold" block of locally made, classic comedy programming.
K. Street Pali Hill is an Indian Thriller soap that aired on STAR Plus. It replaced the highly popular thriller Kaahin Kissii Roz when it concluded in 2004. K. Street Pali Hill was successful for about a year, only to plummet in popularity, owing to many of the actors' replacements. This show pointed many similarities with DD National popular daily soap Shanti
Louis Theroux which delves into the weirder fringes of American society.
BattleBots promises to wow viewers with next generation robots—bigger, faster and stronger than ever before. The show will focus on the design and build of each robot, the bot builder backstories, their intense pursuit of the championship and the spectacle of the event.
Tiffany Haddish introduces her favorite comedians in a series of stand-up performances.
I went backpacking around Egypt & Jordan for one month by myself. Egypt & Jordan are undoubtedly on most people's travel bucket lists, but I've always had the impression that the majority of people travel there on an organised tour. So I wanted to give it a go by myself and see what it was like booking everything on the go, treating it like a normal backpacking trip.
This is the story of a young couple, Dafne and Gabriel, who are separated by her grandfather Jaques, a millionaire who couldn’t handle that his granddaughter was in love with a poor guy. After an accident, Jacques is presumed dead and leaves his business to Dafne, but on the sole condition that she marries. Judith, her grandfather‘s stepdaughter, takes over the business temporarily and schemes to pair Dafne with her brother Nicholas in order to consolidate her claim. Dafne and Gabriel meet again when his unkown daughter decides to find her father, but discover that a passion is only completed when one fulfills the other‘s dream.
A family comedy set in Manchester. Will Mellor and Niky Wardley play parents who are young and vibrant, as much in love with life as they are with each other and their kids.
A drama about three families who live in an upscale neighborhood. On the surface, it appears they have attained wealth and happiness, but trouble brews behind closed doors.
CAPSULES is one of the sub-projects of the Bilibili Light Catcher Project, which contains original animated short film made by professional studios. Each studio creates a short film of 5-15 minutes to form a collection. Extract seven extreme emotions, correspond to seven capsule colors. Each team randomly selects two capsulesand creates short film based on two-color emotion combinations.
BLACKPINK HOUSE is a South Korean variety show by BLACKPINK broadcasted by JTBC. The show follows the four members of BLACKPINK as they move into their new dorm, where they’ll be spending 100 days of vacation.
A romantic reality show in which men and women with various stories and wounds find true love.
Imagine a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires. Reginald Andres tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero who will have to navigate every kind of obstacle – the girl he loves but can’t be with, a bully manager at work and the vampire chieftain who wants him dead. Fortunately, Reginald discovers he has a few unrecognized powers of his own.
At 20, Donalda is the most beautiful girl in Sainte-Adèle. Young, intelligent, and dynamic, she has always been in love with Alexis, the log driver, a feisty adventurer whose life is a perpetual storm. But Seraphin is also in love with Donalda, and he will do anything to have her.
Returning for season 2 Joseline is taking her talents to the ATL. This year here will be even more passion, drama and crazy as Joseline works to fulfill her dream of turning dancers, hustlers and porn stars into a cabaret troupe.