Synopsis: A rabbit couple tries to survive in a dying forest...
A stop-motion film from Émile Cohl with tin soldiers, children's drawings and cannibals.
A figure known as "The Assassin" descends from the heavens into a nightmarish pit full of monsters, titans, and cruelty.
A beautiful summer day in Moomin Valley. Suddenly, a wasp stings Moomintroll, who falls ill and has to stay in bed. To cheer him up, Moominpappa recounts his youthful adventures; his misunderstood childhood, escape from an orphanage and his historic meeting with the inventor Hodgkins.
Set in a world not unlike mid-20th century America, The Vandal centers on Harold, whose tormented search for peace from traumatic loss results in an unexpectedly destructive awakening after he undergoes a lobotomy. When the procedure “turns his mind inside out” and his great love is suddenly gone, Harold’s desperate search intensifies.
A family of rabbits are having a birthday party under a big tree, unaware that a mischievous wolf is approaching.
Explores the nature of man, not only with feet of clay, but with a face of clay as well. Within a colourless city of walls, corridors, and small rooms, a man makes his way from home to work, then to a bar, and then, by a stroke of luck, into an outdoors of space, fresh air, and colour. Along the way, he changes his face to fit his surroundings, interacts with his dog, argues with co-workers, and gossips at a bar. His altering of his visage suggests a two-faced nature, and his stepping into the outdoors provides the ultimate test of his real identity.
A young man in prison is interviewed and talks about his life, how he got into prison, and what it's like doing time.
A not-so-heartwarming tale about capsule toys, the nightmare of obsession, jealous rage, and a slimy, stop-frame animated tiny monster.
This experiment was a “prestige advertisement” for Shell Motor Oil. As conventional animation became dominated by Walt Disney, many European filmmakers turned to puppets as an alternative, and Lye enlisted the help of avant-garde friends such as Humphrey Jennings and John Banting to make the amusing puppets. Exploring the still-complex color process, which involved the combination of three separate images, Lye creates such a vivid storm scene that reviewers hailed it as “proof that the color film has entered a new stage.” The music is Holst’s The Planets. - Harvard Film Archive
An immense dissappointment. Instead of a puppy for her birthday she got a father…
After a woman is responsible for a hit and run, spooky things starts to happen to her. A small thriller about people that are not always the best at making decisions.
A documentary about the making of Wallace & Gromit’s Cracking Contraptions.
Puppet animation of Bert Ambrose and His Orchestra performing. A Puppetoon animated short film.