On the Island of Sodor, two kinds of engines help keep Sir Topham Hatt's railway running smoothly - steamies and Diesels. But is the island big enough for both? It's not always easy for these engines to put aside their differences and work together. See what happens when the diesels tease Thomas. Will Thomas come to their aid when they need this Really Useful steamie's help? And when Gordon develops some very loud squeaks and rattles, will Sir Topham Hatt retire him to the yard for good? That's what the diesels say! Get on board with the steamies and the Diesels and see how they finally learn that, from brake pipe to buffer, all engines are more alike than not.
Thomas & Friends: Steamies vs. Diesels & Other Thomas Adventures
On the Island of Sodor, two kinds of engines help keep Sir Topham Hatt's railway running smoothly - steamies and Diesels. But is the island big enough for both? It's not always easy for these engines to put aside their differences and work together. See what happens when the diesels tease Thomas. Will Thomas come to their aid when they need this Really Useful steamie's help? And when Gordon develops some very loud squeaks and rattles, will Sir Topham Hatt retire him to the yard for good? That's what the diesels say! Get on board with the steamies and the Diesels and see how they finally learn that, from brake pipe to buffer, all engines are more alike than not.
Come ride the rails to fun and adventure with Thomas and the other "Really Useful Engines" as they make tracks to great destinations on Sodor and beyond! Molly is the new engine - will she find the perfect job? Gordon learns a lesson in respect and Emily wants to be Queen for a day. Then, Edward has a problem --- can Thomas help him? Finally, Rheneas is put in charge of some quite different cargo and will Thomas and Percy finish their work in time to see the special bird? Find out in Come Ride The Rails!
With her reckless behavior art student Kalina (21) provokes her fellow students, her teachers and sometimes even her only friend Ruth (24). Kalina convinces Ruth take a spontaneous trip to Portugal the next day and they euphorically head out to celebrate their plan. After a half-hearted attempt to steal a car they end up on a big student party. When Ruth voices doubts about the planned trip, the night takes an unexpected turn.
Tihar is a heartwarming short film celebrating the cherished Hindu festival of brothers and sisters. Bipana and Kalpana, two sisters living in the United Kingdom, invite their brothers, Suraj, Naresh, Dhiraj, to join them for a special Tihar celebration. The siblings, originally from Nepal, come together on this meaningful day, sharing laughter, love, and traditions far from their homeland. The brothers present thoughtful gifts to their sisters as a token of love, and together they light diyas, exchange blessings, and enjoy a festive meal. The film highlights the essence of Tihar as a time to strengthen family bonds. It reminds viewers that amidst life's challenges, festivals provide a perfect opportunity to pause, reconnect, and cherish time with loved ones. The message is simple yet profound: family gatherings and celebrations are the true essence of life.
An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.
Tujhe Dekhne Se Pehle tells the heartfelt journey of two friends, Vicky and Katrina, living in the United Kingdom. Katrina has secretly loved Vicky for a long time, but he remains unaware of her feelings. One day, Katrina invites Vicky to meet her at Tower Bridge in London. Over coffee and romantic conversations, their connection begins to deepen. Katrina takes Vicky on a memorable tour of the city, showing him iconic landmarks like Waterloo Underground Station, London Bridge, and the Parliament building. Their day ends with a car ride to Birmingham, where they stay overnight at a cozy hotel. The next morning, they visit Brean Down, a scenic coastal area. At the highest point of the walk, Katrina gathers her courage and proposes marriage. Touched and realizing his own feelings, Vicky accepts, and their bond blossoms into deep love. The music video delivers a heartfelt message: friendships can evolve into beautiful relationships, and life's unexpected turns often lead to love.
Lust and dysfuntion come full circle in this collection of nine steamy scenes exploring gay life, sex, addition, drugs and HIV/AIDS as revealed by a latino pool boy, a television writer, a meth dealer and others. As one affair leads into another, the connections betwen the characters reveal the secrets each one holds.
Older, wiser but still a wandering loner, the blind, peace-loving masseur Ichi seeks a peaceful life in a rural village. When he's caught in the middle of a power struggle between two rival Yakuza clans, his reputation as a deadly defender of the innocent is put to the ultimate test in a series of sword-slashing showdowns.
In the jungles of the Solomon Islands, a remote archipelago in the South Pacific, a biologist is attempting to do something Charles Darwin and Ernst Mayr never accomplished: catch evolution in the act of creating new species. Albert Uy is on the verge of an amazing discovery in the Solomon Islands, but there's a threat looming on the horizon. The islands' resources are being exploited, putting all local wildlife at risk. It's a race against time to gather the evidence necessary to prove the existence of a new species before it's lost forever.
Four high school friends maintain their ties but finds themselves in very different situations when they reach 21. Chu-won was a promising athlete but, drinking heavily and unable to get past an old flame, he ruins his prospects. Goo-rim became on idol singer, but a drug scandal has seen him fall on hard times. Seo-won, as a medical student at a top university, was faring best among them, until he is diagnosed with leukemia and falls for a teenage escort from their old high school. Meanwhile, Dae-sung is a sex addict with a penchant for mature women who dreams of making his own film.
In her documentary, the Scottish-Syrian director tries to reconcile the two worlds in her head: her fond memories of visiting relatives in Damascus and what has happened in Syria since then. She confronts her cousin, who fled from there, with her recordings from then - and thus calls back memories that were buried under trauma.
Two passenger cars went to the team in Prague Cimrmanologists Liptáková in Jizera mountains to explore the rugged region Cimrman age. Already the journey itself was an adventure, but the result was worth it. The restaurant at the Orphans restored mural researchers Cimrman handwritten inscriptions in the old hoe handle up his anti-Habsburg discovered pamphlet "Its not hide the truth."
A mansion, a lawn, some trees: an unmoved frontal view, 9 minutes long. We hear an off-screen voice. It si the co-director, who commands what goes on in the image. He calls up participants while the other co-director climbs a ladder and holds up a cornet that emits smoke and sparks.