Ela mesma
Ela mesma
Ele mesmo
Ela mesma
A hybrid feature film that investigates contemporaneity through the body and its countless possibilities of expression and meanings. The film puts the body and the idea of the body in evidence, through metalanguage, articulation and confrontation of documentary, fictional and performative languages. The film follows the trajectory of the main character who uses her own body to formulate universes and investigate the meanings that are drawn in it. In a kind of subjective diary written on her skin, she records sensations and reflections, building relationships with thinkers, performances and archival materials, which lead her to other bodies and other stories.
Incarcerated women join a band of volunteers who battle forest fires and assist during natural disasters.
Luca, a young photography, arrives in an Asturian village to develop one of his artistic projects and explore his own roots. He stays at the home of Xuan, a veteran cheesemaker who rents part of his house to supplement the meager income from his artisanal work. Luca is met with Xuan's innate brusqueness, a facade that the young man soon discovers is tied to a past shadowed by old rumors and sexual prejudices. As Luca’s camera captures the intricate details of Xuan's hands at work, he awakens in Xuan a passion for life long thought lost, prompting the older man to reflect on cherished memories and connections. Gradually, Luca uncovers a universe distinct from his own, as he confronts the complexities of identity and heritage. Through shared gazes and unspoken histories, they find unexpected connections in lives that initially seemed worlds apart. As their bond deepens, they encounter the delicate interplay of life and death, illuminating the invisible threads that unite us all.
Sandy and Alejandra are two young women who live together with Lexa, an artist with a multiple personality who is preparing her new exhibition. however, the romance between these two personalities will be in danger, not only because of their inability to have physical contact but also because of the problems it generates for Lexa and the body they inhabit. therefore, Sandy and Alejandra must decide before it is too late.
Alice's life changes when Laura, the daughter of her neighbor on the wall, knocks on her door to ask if she knows anything about her mother. No one has seen her for days, neither Alice nor Laura, nor the lonely residents of the building.
Rescue of the life story of feminist activist from the 1930s, Almerinda Farias Gama, participant in the struggle for the right to vote for women in the 1934 Constitution, and activist of the Brazilian Federation for Female Progress, together with Bertha Lutz.
The women of the first Garífuna community in Honduras work hard for the future of their daughters. Surrounded by a dazzling landscape, they celebrate their identity and the importance of maternal figures.
Stop-Motion with flowers representing the various cicles of existence.