In this prequel to "Confessions Of A Box," we explore the untold journey that Billy embarked on after turning into a box: the journey of identity. He must find out the true meaning of his existence, and whether he is still a person, or if he is destined to forever be a box in a man's world...
A young boxer, Izzy Daniels, trains to follow in his father's footsteps by winning the Golden Glove. But when his friend, Mary asks him to substitute for a team member in a Double Dutch tournament, the young man discovers a hidden passion for jump roping, all while finding love with Mary and navigating conflict with himself and his father about boxing.
Tou former boxers meet in the ring again after years for a re-run of an old match. The old loser currently works as a factory executive and he is unwilling to reconcile with his old defeat. He challenges the old winner, whose job in a garage puts him on the opposite end ofthe career ladder. The match is a battle fought between two men who stand for two different attitudes to life. The confrontation results in the revelation that the winner is not always the one whose arm is raised by the referee after the last round.
Three stories about people at emotional moments in their lifes.
A biopic about Jerzy Kulej, a two-time Olympic champion and one of Poland's greatest fighters. The film is set between the Olympics, when Kulej wins his first gold and goes for a second.
A photographer becomes intrigued by a mysterious man who has chosen to filter his experience of the world through a cardboard box placed over his head.
An unsettling feeling overwhelms a small Hungarian town when two orthodox Jews arrive with a mysterious trunk. As residents begin to speculate on the purpose of the visit of these two strangers, order starts to crumble in town with some pursuing devious plans and others finding remorse in their hearts.
A mysterious cardboard box appears on Gregory's doorstep addressed to him, what will he find inside ?
On his way to an audition, struggling actor Shaun Davis is asked a bizarre favor by a friend which takes his day in an unexpected direction.
A retired boxer will return to the ring to face his greatest rival, relying on his daughter, his friends and a famous trainer who will teach him to see the sport from new perspectives.
We see a young Mario Moreno making us laugh while he trying to fight against an opponent on a ring.
The story of legendary boxing trainer Cus D'Amato, who worked with the likes of Mike Tyson, Floyd Patterson, and José Torres