The Illuminati, a secretive group controlling global affairs, influences governments, religion, and business to shape a new world order. Through manipulation of technology, politics, and media, they pursue their sinister agenda, which involves destabilizing nations, promoting terrorism, and controlling information. This documentary exposes their network, revealing connections to powerful organizations and historical events, challenging viewers to confront the unsettling truth about the world's hidden rulers.
The Illuminati, a secretive group controlling global affairs, influences governments, religion, and business to shape a new world order. Through manipulation of technology, politics, and media, they pursue their sinister agenda, which involves destabilizing nations, promoting terrorism, and controlling information. This documentary exposes their network, revealing connections to powerful organizations and historical events, challenging viewers to confront the unsettling truth about the world's hidden rulers.
After John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln, he escaped to Maryland and was discovered hiding in a barn. After he refused to surrender, the barn was set afire and Booth died in the blaze. However, in 1903 a Mr. David E. George, while on his deathbed in Enid, Oklahoma, claimed to be John Wilkes Booth. This MGM An Historical Mystery series short presents evidence of the possibility that Mr. George's claim was true.
A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick.
An investigation into the story of a man who confessed to firing the fatal shot that killed JFK from the Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. His story becomes one more compelling piece of evidence for what most Americans have long suspected: that their government covered up critical facts about the CIA's collaboration with Organized Crime to assassinate the President of the United States.
Throughout history, regimes have used terror attacks as a means of control over their populations, and for the last 100 years, Western governments have employed the same measures.
The public was not given all of the facts surrounding the worst terrorist attack in the United States of America's history.
Anthony J. Hilder and Jordan Maxwell's first film, is an "overview" of the American Illuminati's plan to bring this planet under the dictates of gargantuan Global Government by the turn of the century.
2nd Edition of Loose Change documentary. What if...September 11th was not a surprise attack on America, but rather, a cold and calculated genocide by our own government?We were told that the twin towers were hit by commercial jetliners and subsequently brought down by jet fuel. We were told that the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing 757. We were told that flight 93 crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We were told that nineteen Arabs from halfway across the globe, acting under orders from Osama Bin Laden, were responsible. What you will see here will prove without a shadow of a doubt that everything you know about 9/11 is a complete fabrication. Conspiracy theory? It's not a theory if you can prove it.Written and narrated by Dylan Avery, this film presents a rebuttal to the official version of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the 9/11 Commission Report.
Controversial radio host, Alex Jones, engages in a piece of undercover journalism as he sneaks into the Bohemian Grove, an elite and invite-only gathering where powerful people take part in cult-like rituals in the middle of the forest.
Who really runs the world? Who controls the money, the politics, and almost every facet of life without you knowing a thing about it? Is such a thing possible? Jordan Maxwell grew up in a family that had high-ranking insiders in international politics and religion, so had access to information that few people could imagine. He continued with a lifetime of investigation and is now considered the worlds foremost authority on ancient religions and modern conspiracies.
Secret societies is the new code word for organizations believed to pull the strings of the world. These groups have been both credited and blamed for great many nefarious acts perpetrated against humanity. Among the most infamous of secret societies stand without doubt the shadowy Illuminati.
A documentary examining possible historical and modern conspiracies surrounding Christianity, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the Federal Reserve bank.
It is widely believed that the 9/11 attack was an inside job - but by whom? Many believe it was a political ruse to instigate war with the Middle East and to justify removing many of our civil liberties. Also, since 9/11 we have been placed under a microscope, our privacy removed as we are being watched and profiled by a sinister force with a malevolent agenda. The theories and conclusions that the Government was responsible, though partially true, have taken a surprising new twist - as there may be another explanation, one much larger in scope and much more terrifying.
"No film may throw ridicule on any religious faith..." So began Article VIII of the Hollywood Production Code, a series of ethical guidelines that for forty years helped the motion picture industry produce many of the greatest and most family-friendly films in history. That was then, however, this is now. A revered "historical" movie quietly takes every opporturnity to lie and twist the facts in order to make Christians appear as backward, foolish hypocrites. An actress jumps at the chance to play a Christ-hating role, saying, "I'm an atheist, so it was a joy." One of Hollywood's most respected directors films a passion play written by a disciple of Friedrich Nietzsche, the father of the "God is dead" movement. Not surprisingly, the movie's Jesus helps crucify people and later confesses that satan is inside him. A media mogul states that "Christianity is a religion for losers."
February 1954: ten mass graves with over 500 bodies are found in the region of Sofia, Bulgaria. Experts say they were killed and the deaths occurred in 1925. In one of the graves a glass eye is found - the glass eye of the poet Geo Milev.
Spain, April 14, 1931. The Second Republic is born. From the beginning, the writer Miguel de Unamuno is considered one of the ethical pillars of the new regime. Five years later, on December 31, 1936, a few months after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), Unamuno dies at his home in Salamanca, capital of the rebel side, led by General Francisco Franco, and main center of dissemination of its propaganda apparatus.
The dawn of the 21st Century has found much of modern society obsessed with occult mysteries, sadistic violence, and evil. Everything from cartoons and video games to recorded music and major theatrical films are being designed and promote to "satisfy" the public's insatiable lust for the macabre. Most disturbing is the rise in the practice of Satanism. Law enforcement agencies are unable to keep up with the increasing numbers of heinous, Satanically inspired crimes. Basically a remake of Devil Worship: The Rise of Satanism (1989) using the same footage.
The true historical account of the Illuminati, exposing the actual rituals of the secret society, and answering the age-old question of whether or not the order still exists.
Are the manned moon landings of Apollo one of the greatest hoaxes ever devised - perhaps even the greatest government conspiracy of all time? Were the moon walks filmed in a secret studio? Do you believe in the Moon Landing Hoax? The evidence will surprise you!
A retired teacher investigates the shadowy history of his rural Missouri community, including the origins of a looming structure known as the Rockpile.
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.