This fictional story is set in Miyagi prefecture, a decade after a devastating earthquake and tsunami. It follows Mr. Endo, a taxi driver searching for his daughter since the earthquake. Along the way, he encounters various passengers and visits a seaside town swallowed by a tsunami. The story explores themes of family, love, and resilience in the aftermath of a disaster, offering hope to survivors.
Charles, an attorney, and Helen, his devoted wife, seem to have everything – money, a beautiful mansion – the American Dream. However, as Helen prepares to celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary, her life takes an unexpected twist when she comes home to find her clothes packed up in a U-Haul van parked in the driveway. Charles is divorcing her and kicks her out. Helen moves in with her grandmother Madea, an old woman who doesn't take any lip from anyone. Madea helps Helen through these tough times by showing her what is really important in life. Helen is forced to rediscover love, life, and religion in her pursuit for happiness.
College student Amanda Carlisle comes to a life altering decision as she grapples with her inner demons. In her darkest moment, she meets a friend who unknowingly stops her from making a fatal mistake.
A heartfelt, emotional story about loss, grief, and the bond between a mother and son.
A black police detective must solve a strange case of a kidnapped boy and deal with a big racial protest.
After the passing of his wife, a single father attempts to reconnect with his daughter as she crumbles under the weight of severe neglect and substance abuse.
Kaj is a stubborn man with a great deal of pride. The former chef lives in a council flat. He has wasted his life and is now on a council job training scheme for the long-term unemployed, where he refuses to let the foreman of the activation project boss him about. When Kaj's daughter, with whom he has not been in touch for nineteen years, moves into the same council estate on the run from her violent husband, a change comes over Kaj. His initial instinct is to avoid her, but by chance he ends up helping to look after Jonas, her six-year-old son. For the first time for years Kaj need not survive on his own devices. Now he has responsibilities and a family of his own.
An old widower, Jasper, routinely makes coffee in two mugs and picks up trash around his community. Some of his more interesting finds speckle his home. His neighbors mostly disregard him. On one of his regular hunts, he chances upon an envelope. To his surprise, he finds old wedding photos and presumes the addressee, Angie, to be the bride. Determined to complete the delivery, Jasper follows a map to the address. When he finally arrives, his excitement is upended when Angie, now divorced, rebuffs him and the photos. He leaves her with an open invitation to his home, should she change her mind. The next morning, Jasper starts his routine-only to find Angie at his door. After a heart-to-heart on loss and new life, Jasper invites Angie to pick up trash with him. Together, they go.
Christmas Eve in New York, and the lonely divorced publisher, Rose Collins, needs a miracle to improve the health of her mother, interned in a hospital with Alzheimers. She feels sorry for another patient and meets his visitor. Meanwhile, Nina Vasquez breaks her engagement with her beloved fiancé Mike due to his suffocating jealousy, but misses him. Mike is stalked by a stranger, bartender Artie Venzuela. The poor Jules arranges to spend Christmas Eve in the hospital, where he spent the best Christmas of his life when he was a teenager. The lives of some of these characters cross with others along the night.
Seven years after the mysterious death of her mother, an isolated botanist meets an enigmatic, teenage runaway in a creek. Forming an unexpected bond, the two embark on a harrowing journey to confront their respective pasts, all while slowly realizing that they may not have to face their uncertain futures alone.
Stranded on an isolated road with a broken-down car, a girl reconnects with her father over a phone call.
Bespoke Dad is a 10min Family Drama produced by Prickle Production. From the outside, the family looks faultless, a caring, home-proud mother, a bright daughter with an even brighter future and a slightly distant but otherwise perfect Dad. In reality, the Dad isn’t the Dad; he’s an actor paid by the Mum. His job is to help raise her daughter, begin there to give fatherly advice and provide a traditional upbringing. He does this for multiple families, but a needy client puts his secret at risk.
The film is a series of vignettes from Taiji Tonoyama's life and film clips, interspersed with a dialogue to camera by Nobuko Otowa, addressing the camera as if she is addressing Tonoyama himself, recollecting events in his life. The film focuses on Tonoyama's alcohol dependence and his various sexual relationships, as well as his film work with Shindo.
Hye-ju returns from the hospital and reunites with her father, Jung-hyeok, who raised her in a loving family.
A mother lives quietly with her son. One day, a girl is brutally killed, and the boy is charged with the murder. Now, it's his mother's mission to prove him innocent.
A 12-year-old girl lives life on the run alongside her father who has Tourette Syndrome. Desperately seeking a normal family life, she befriends a group of outcasts who want to harness a volatile supernatural power her father is hiding.
In this short film, a father (Ben Cable) tries to explain his wife's mental illness to his daughter (Sierra Nottingham).