In this unique and riveting film, a troubled man has a series of dreams in which he finds himself thrown back to a time before his birth, into the Angolan Border War, as a combat soldier. There he meets his father as a young man, when he was a member of the Special Forces. As they go through combat together, the son gets to know his father in a way he never has, giving him insight and compassion, and he is able to let go of lifelong feelings of abandonment, resentment and anger. This leads to forgiveness and a real-life reconciliation, which drives home the underlying message of this film restoring the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
In 14th Century England, this tale of murder and mystery follows a fugitive priest who falls in with a troupe of actors. As they arrive in a small town, the actors encounter a woman being sentenced to death for practicing witchcraft and murder. Discarding the expected bible stories, the actors now stage a performance based on the crime. Through the performance of the play, they discover a mystery.
Raymond Dela Cruz leads a busy life, but after his world gets turned upside down, he can hardly focus on the things right in front of him...
A theater actor who is taking a part as Macbeth finds himself lost in the role.
In an unstable marriage, Marion worries for her husband, Frank, as his behavior grows more and more erratic.
At a college in Rome, a professor, nicknamed "Dodo" is in a deep depression. His stunningly beautiful wife has just left him for another man. Dodo wants her back very badly and has erotic daydreams about her. A beautiful young student in his class asks him for a ride home and seduces the lucky man, but still he wonders about his wife and her lover.
The discovery of self-awareness in a twisting venture between dreams and reality. (The first piece of the director's Transformational Trilogy)
A young Englishman dreams of escaping from his working class family and dead-end job as an undertaker's assistant. A number of indiscretions cause him to lie in order to avoid the penalties. His life turns into a mess and he has an opportunity to run away and leave it all behind.
Short film about the inability to sleep, or to remain asleep throughout the night.
A dreamlike short with a switch in tone making it a surreal and uneasy experience.
In order to diagnose the psychic traumas suffered by his patients, Dr. Paul Novotny gets young Alex Gardner to enter their dreams.
A teen girl disappears after trying to meet men online in order to escape her small town. Apparently, only her best friend worries enough to investigate the mystery.
Set in 14th century England, Agnes has lost the sense of touch. Reality and time bend beyond recognition.
A small Bavarian village is renowned for its "Ruby Glass" glass blowing works. When the foreman of the works dies suddenly without revealing the secret of the Ruby Glass, the town slides into a deep depression, and the owner of the glassworks becomes obssessed with the lost secret.