Joseph Singleton
Joseph Singleton
Top Movie Cast
The Midnight Mantrue- Steve Arnold Treasure Islandtrue- Israel Hands The Baittrue- Simpson - The Bait-Catcher Skin Deeptrue- Joe Culver The Questtrue- De Villiers - a Man about Town / Neto - Tribal Chief The Lady of the Dugouttrue- The Lady's husband The Fighting Lovertrue- Quig Munday Secrets of the Nighttrue- Charles The Good Bad-Mantrue- Weazel Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamptrue- Muezzin The Mad Whirltrue- Spivens The Great Redeemertrue- The Murderer The Toll Gatetrue- Tom Jordan The Lietrue- Caleb - David's Partner Reggie Mixes Intrue- Old Pickleface A Girl of the Timber Claimstrue- Leather Hermit Betsy's Burglartrue- Jasper Dunn Pillars of Societytrue- Monsieur Dorf (uncredited) Shark Monroetrue- Big Baxter Daphne and the Piratetrue Inside the Linestrue- Major Gen Cameron of the Royal Mountedtrue- Jim Haley The Enchanted Barntrue- John Barnard Wild and Woollytrue- Judson, Butler (Uncredited) The Mayor of Filberttrue- Jim Grimes Profile Images
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