Sergei Blinnikov
Sergei Blinnikov
Top Movie Cast
Salavat Yulayevtrue- Perfiltsev (as S. Blinnikov) Nine Days of One Yeartrue- Butov The Unforgettable Year 1919true- protoierey Bogoyavlenskiy Different Fortunestrue- Zubov Ivan Brovkin on the State Farmtrue- Koroteyev Soldier Ivan Brovkintrue- Farm Chm. Timofei Kondratyevich Koroleyev A Girl with Guitartrue- Fedosov The Chairmantrue- Serdyukov Behind the Footlightstrue- Pyotr Pustoslavtsev The Blind Musiciantrue- Stavruchenko They Conquer the Skiestrue- constructor Alexander Nevskytrue- Tverdilo - Traitorous Mayor of Pskov The Winnertrue- Porfiriy Mikhaylovich Koshelev A Girl with Charactertrue The Vowtrue- Baklan, a friend Gas Station Queentrue- Babiy Cossacks of the Kubantrue- Cossak Marko Danilovich Dergach The Fall of Berlintrue- Gen. Ivan Koniev A Great Life, Part 2true- The Head of the factory The Old Jockeytrue- Zot Yakovlevich - Chairman of the collective farm How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovichtrue- Иван Никифорович Довгочхун Crazy Daytrue- visitor to Miusov The Seventh Companiontrue- Arandarenko Теперь пусть уходитtrue- George Beeston The Variegateds Casetrue- профессор Шубинский Top Movie Crew
The PhilistinestrueDirecting
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