Bob Bragg
Bob Bragg
Top Movie Cast
The Capitol Conspiracytrue- Hunter's Men Maximum Securitytrue- Terrorist #1 Fugitive Ragetrue- Goon #1 Fugitive Mindtrue- Hughes Scared Straight! Another Storytrue- Juvenile Delinquent (uncredited) Land of the Freetrue- Andrews Hellraiser III: Hell on Earthtrue- Male Cop Roots of Eviltrue- Paramedic Apache County Wartrue- Billy Slayer Bigfoottrue- Eddy (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Escape to Grizzly MountaintrueCrew
Children of the Corn V: Fields of TerrortrueCrew
Embrace the DarknesstrueCrew
Sometimes They Come Back... for MoretrueCrew
Embrace the DarknesstrueDirecting
Savage SeasontrueDirecting
Teenage ExorcisttrueProduction
The Kid with X-Ray EyestrueCrew
Nuclear HurricanetrueCrew
Passion BetrayedtrueDirecting
Passion BetrayedtrueEditing
Passion BetrayedtrueCamera
Passion BetrayedtrueProduction
Addams Family ReuniontrueCrew
Thy Neighbor's WifetrueCrew
Emerald LagoontrueWriting
Emerald LagoontrueDirecting
Swamp TerrortrueDirecting
Swamp TerrortrueProduction
Leprechaun: Back 2 tha HoodtrueCrew
Eyes In The HillstrueDirecting
Apache County WartrueDirecting
Apache County WartrueWriting
Apache County WartrueProduction
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New BloodtrueCrew
Richie Rich's Christmas WishtrueCrew
The Prophet's GametrueCrew
Roller Blade Warriors: Taken by ForcetrueCrew
Secret EscorttrueDirecting
Secret EscorttrueProduction
Hard Rock ZombiestrueCrew
Casper Meets WendytrueCrew