Teodoro Corrà
Teodoro Corrà
Top Movie Cast
Five Dolls for an August Moontrue- George Stark Vengeance Is a Dish Served Coldtrue- Boon Django the Bastardtrue- Williams The Ruthless Fourtrue- U.S. Marshall Death Knocks Twicetrue- Rinaldo 20,000 Dollars on 7true- Gringo Seven Times Seventrue- Briggs Young Lucreziatrue- Cardinale Sisto Borgia Stanza 17-17 palazzo delle tasse, ufficio impostetrue- Sacerdoti dirigente ufficio imposte No Room to Dietrue- Hotel Innkeeper My Name Is Mallory... M Means Deathtrue- Bart Ambler Una ragazza tutta d'orotrue- lo psicanalista Django Challenges Sartanatrue- Juan Corvo Es pecado... pero me gustatrue The Other Canterbury Talestrue- Landlord (segment 'La sposa ebrea') Roy Colt and Winchester Jacktrue- The Reverend Excuse Me, Do You Like Sex?true- Parking attendant My Father Monsignortrue- Zuavo Il presidente del Borgorosso Football Clubtrue- il medico della squadra Blood, Sweat and Feartrue Mean Frank and Crazy Tonytrue- Gay Prisoner Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die!true- Gun Seller The Sicilian Connectiontrue- Ciro Il lumaconetrue- Il brigadiere Guns of the Black Witchtrue Top Movie Crew
Convoy BusterstrueWriting
Belli e brutti ridono tuttitrueWriting
Circle of FeartrueProduction
Stunt SquadtrueProduction
Mark Shoots FirsttrueWriting
Mark Shoots FirsttrueProduction
The Precarious Bank TellertrueProduction
Riavanti… Marsch!trueWriting
Riavanti… Marsch!trueProduction
Power and LoverstrueWriting
Es pecado... pero me gustatrueProduction
Flavia the HeretictrueProduction
Django the BastardtrueProduction
Body PuzzletrueProduction
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