Valentina Berezutskaya
Valentina Berezutskaya
Top Movie Cast
Day Watchtrue- woman from VDNH Antikiller 2: Antiterrortrue Goal at Spasskie Gatetrue Executor of the Sentencetrue I'm Free, I Belong to Nobodytrue Once Upon A Time There Was A Brave Captaintrue Two Comrades Were Servingtrue Ballad of a Soldiertrue- Alyosha's Neighbor (uncredited) Siberiadetrue- Darya Solomina Wandering Sagittariustrue The Sovereign's Servanttrue The President and his Granddaughtertrue Kintrue- Lyuba Konovalova What a Wonderful Gametrue Encore, Once More Encore!true- choir member Avariya - Cop's Daughtertrue- Passenger Still Waterstrue- Woman with Buckets Aniskin and Fantomastrue- Лукерья Сузгина (Сузгиниха) Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventurestrue- пассажирка автобуса № 13, новелла «Напарник» Women Kingdomtrue- Matryona Lingonberries in the Foresttrue- Manya Spring Triptrue- Safarova Преступление: Нетерпимостьtrue- тётя Наташа Comrade Nikanorova Awaits Youtrue- Lyuba No Margin for Errortrue- Санькина, продавщица Seven Old Men and One Girltrue- посетительница комнаты смеха Children of Don Quixotetrue- Maria Ivanovna, nurse Not by Bread Alonetrue- Lukeria Pavlovna The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'true- Мария Филипповна - жена слесаря The Lynx Returnstrue- работник детдома Своя голова на плечахtrue Непридуманная историяtrue- Shura Kovalyova Polar Fox Napoleon IIItrue- head teacher The Fallingtrue- Konsyerzhka The Tight Knottrue- Nastya Baklushin Time Barredtrue- Penkova (uncredited) Story of an Unknown Actortrue An Umbrella for Loverstrue First Route, Last Routetrue Yuliya Vrevskayatrue- Sister of Mercy A Child's Worldtrue- Woman with a string bag With Love, Lillytrue- aunt Valya Looking for My Fatetrue- Nadezhda's friend Мы с Вулканомtrue- Valentina Fedorovna, Taborka's mother The City of First Lovetrue- Lena's Mother About Love In Any Weathertrue- Old Woman Silencetrue- Averyanov's wife The Cranes Are Flyingtrue- Lyusya, Snub-Nosed Girl on Wires (uncredited) 100 grams for Braverytrue- Nyura A Special Unittrue- janitor Incorrigible Liartrue- janitor Attention, Turtle!true- janitor Different Fortunestrue- Sonya's roommate in the Dorm (uncredited) The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengerstrue- lady Любовь Серафима Фроловаtrue The Commander of the Lucky 'Pike'true- storekeeper Accused of Murdertrue- Tamara's aunt Про Клаву Ивановуtrue- Orderly The Witnesstrue- The Mistress The Land of My Childhoodtrue