Yuri Katin-Yartsev
Yuri Katin-Yartsev
Top Movie Cast
The Adventures of Buratinotrue- Dzhuzeppe "Sizy Nos" / Джузеппе "Сизый нос" This is Moscow Speakingtrue The Very Same Munchhausentrue- Thomas Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputintrue- Purishkevich Sold Laughtertrue- Rickert Interventiontrue- мсье Золотницкий, (медвежатник) To Award (Posthumously)true The Story of One Billiard-Roomtrue- otets Augustin - svashchennik (as Yu. Katin-Yartsev) Funny People!true- чиновник Return of the "Battleship"true The Invisible Mantrue- khozyain volshebnoy lavki Волшебная лавкаtrue- seller in a shop Chicherintrue- Arkhivarius Who Will Pay For Luck?true Be Careful, Leaf Fall!true Вам телеграмма...true- Alexey Alekseevich Lobachevsky A Dog Was Walking on the Pianotrue- Professor Chizh Insane Loritrue- Willie Bannock The Black Castle Olshanskytrue- Мультан The Cock and Boyartrue- The Old Man The Charming Travellertrue- Monk The Sparkling Worldtrue- Dr. Stevie Gangsters in the Oceantrue- Servant A Minute of Silencetrue- Sidorov Primary Russiatrue- Prokopiy State Border: Vol. 3. Eastern Frontiertrue Здравия желаю! или Бешеный дембельtrue- general Twenty Six Days in the Life of Dostoevskytrue No Password Necessarytrue На Гранатовых островахtrue Аптекаршаtrue- Chernomordik Maigret and the Old Ladytrue- Doctor Jolli The Captain's Daughtertrue- Ivan Ignatyevich The Uninvited Friendtrue- Vedeneyev Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariattrue- Krutov Martin Identrue- библиотекарь Tevye the Milkmantrue- Педоцур We Didn't Learn Thistrue- Mila's father (uncredited) Troublemakertrue- Tereshchenko Young Peopletrue- pharmacist Correction of Mistakestrue Petrovka Street, Number 38true- Григорий Иванович