Yekaterina Vasilyeva
Yekaterina Vasilyeva
Top Movie Cast
The House is Being Builttrue Детство. Отрочество. Юностьtrue Ordinary Miracletrue- Эмилия Это было прошлым летомtrue Magicianstrue- Kira Anatolyevna Shemahanskaya The Straw Hattrue- Анаис Бопертюи Sold Laughtertrue- Timm's stepmother Citizens of the Universetrue- Valentina Serafimovna, Teacher This Merry Planettrue- Зет - командир летающей тарелки Come Look at Metrue- Sofya What Would You Choose?true- Volodya’s Mother Year of a Calftrue- Izolda Air Crewtrue- Timchenko's Wife The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finntrue- Aunt Polly Mister Perrichon's Triptrue Mommiestrue- Kolya's mother Bumbarashtrue- атаманша Софья Николаевна Тульчинская Taimyr Calls Youtrue- горничная в гостинице Marathontrue- Anna Rusova To Lovetrue- girl at party Step Forwardtrue- Markel's Wife Don't Leave Your Loverstrue- Никулина, разводящаяся мать с мальчиком Red, Honest, in Lovetrue- Lora, Fox Mother Through the Grass Barefoottrue Three from the Carronades Squaretrue- Vasilisa Georgievna Little Lord Fauntleroytrue The Key That Should Not Be Handed Ontrue- Bayushkina The Woman in the Windowtrue Likes or Dislikestrue- Aleksey's Grandma Twenty Days Without Wartrue- Rubtsova Exceptions Without Rulestrue- zhena Valyushina (Isklyuchenie 3: «Golos») Woodpeckers Don't Get Headachestrue- Tatyana Petrovna Black Lightningtrue- Romantseva Insane Loritrue- Mrs. MacKenzie Fairies' Autumn Gifttrue- The Duchess You Wrote to Me...true- Mila My Dearly Beloved Detectivetrue- Shirley Holmes Preference on Fridaystrue- Tamara Ivanovna — mat' Alekseya The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'true- Полина Рожкова The Rescuertrue- директор ресторана Клара Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariattrue- Anna Viktorovna Atomic Ivantrue- Babushka Accept a Telegram for Credittrue- Sashen'ka's mother Woe From Wittrue- Анфиса Ниловна Хлестова Friends of Games and Jokestrue The Wife Has Lefttrue- Sonya Of Those I Remember And Cherishtrue- Зина Горюнова Subject for a Short Storytrue- artist Ovchinnikova The Visittrue- Clara Tsekhanasyan Dominikatrue- Dominika (70 years) The Petrukha Familytrue- Катя Yegor Bulychyov and Otherstrue- Alexandra Love For Your Neighbortrue- Её превосходительство War Under the Roofstrue- Надя The Auntiestrue- Nadezhda The Journalisttrue- Employee of the Letters Department Motherlandtrue- Yuliya's grandmother Playing With Dollstrue- Headmistress The Petersburg Romancetrue