Irina Kupchenko
Irina Kupchenko
Top Movie Cast
Ordinary Miracletrue- Жена волшебника Poor Lizatrue- Liza's Mother The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervillestrue- Miss Beryl Stapleton A Strange Womantrue- Yevgeniya Mihaylovna Piertrue- Филумена Мартурано Come Look at Metrue- Tatyana The Captivating Star of Happinesstrue- Княгиня Трубецкая September Vacationtrue- Galina Other People's Letterstrue- Vera Ivanovna Romance, Russian Styletrue Forgotten Tune for the Flutetrue- Елена Федоровна, жена Филимонова Romance for Loverstrue- Lyuda Bless the Womantrue- Анна The Inner Circletrue- Directress Patient No. 1true- Mat Sashi The Night Is Brighttrue- Zinaida Antonovna Lonely Woman Seeks Life Companiontrue- Клава Почукаева The Three and the Snowflaketrue Yulenkatrue- Tamara Iosifovna Practical Joketrue- Maria Vasilyevna The Film That Went Wrongtrue- Archive footage Listen If It's Raining...true- Жена Юрия Казакова The Light Shines in the Darknesstrue- Марья Ивановна Сарынцева Everyone Dreams of a Dogtrue- Взрослая Тошка A Nest of Gentrytrue- Liza The Turning Pointtrue- Natasha Vedeneyeva The Teachertrue- Alla Nikolaevna Uncle Vanyatrue- Sofya Aleksandrovna Serebryakova Dancing Ghoststrue- Igor's mother The Waltz on the Petschoratrue Journey to Another Towntrue The Last Escapetrue- Mother The Last Trialtrue- Alla Nikolaevna The Wizardtrue- Luiza Vasilyevna The Victory Will Be My Gift To You!true Budulai, Whom No-one Waits Fortrue Moscow Suburbs Elegytrue- Елена, дочь Черкасского The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1true- Miss Beryl Stapleton The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2true- Miss Beryl Stapleton Summerfolktrue- Марья Львовна Nutcracker. Anniversary Evening of Ballet Legend Galina Ulanovatrue- Self Profile Images
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