Claudio Cassinelli
Claudio Cassinelli
Top Movie Cast
The Adventures of Herculestrue- Zeus Island of the Fishmentrue- Lt. Claude de Ross Warriors of the Year 2072true- Cortez Flavia the Heretictrue- Abraham Slave of the Cannibal Godtrue- Manolo The Great Alligatortrue- Daniel Nessel Allonsanfantrue- Lionello Hands of Steeltrue- Peter Howell The Suspicious Death of a Minortrue- Paolo Germi Free Hand for a Tough Coptrue- Antonio Sarti Killer Coptrue- Commissioner Matteo Rolandi Blood and Diamondstrue- Guido Mauri Spy Connectiontrue- The Contractor The Temptertrue- Rodolfo Solina The Long Nighttrue- Davide / Marta's husband Rome from the windowtrue- Carlo Murder-Rock: Dancing Deathtrue- Dick Gibson Scorpion with Two Tailstrue- Paolo Domelli Avalanche Expresstrue- Molinari Violent Milantrue- Raul Montalbani What Have They Done to Your Daughters?true- Insp. Silvestri Un caso d'incoscienzatrue- Manlio Crivelli Profile Images
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