Dan Biggers
Dan Biggers
Top Movie Cast
To Dance with the White Dogtrue- Dr. Bennett Paris Trouttrue- Mayor Harn Basket Case 3: The Progenytrue- Uncle Hal The Price of a Broken Hearttrue- Judge Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells Alltrue- Doc Collier Deadly Relationstrue- Roy Price Silent Victimtrue- Judge Tucker Carolina Skeletonstrue- Warden A Son's Promisetrue- Judge Pettus Go Tell It on the Mountaintrue- Mr. North Perfect Harmonytrue- Doctor Forces of Naturetrue- Justice of the Peace Murder in Coweta Countytrue- Judge Boykin Maid in Americatrue- Judge Fink The Slugger's Wifetrue- Preacher Wife, Mother, Murderer: The Marie Hilley Storytrue- Corrigan Cold Sassy Treetrue- Minister A Christmas Memorytrue- Rev. Dickson A Passion for Justice: The Hazel Brannon Smith Storytrue- Judge Home Fires Burningtrue- Tunstall Renfroe Stolen Babiestrue- Mr. Crump Elizabethtowntrue- Uncle Roy Midnight in the Garden of Good and Eviltrue- Harry Cram