Amy Lynn Best
Amy Lynn Best
Top Movie Cast
That's Independent!true- Herself A Feast of Fleshtrue- Elizabet Dr. Horror's Erotic House of Idiotstrue- Morgan The Spicy Sisters Slumber Partytrue- Herself Severe Injuriestrue- Lauren Demon Divas and the Lanes of Damnationtrue- Crystal / Lamia Deadtime Storiestrue- Nurse Fletcher (segment "The Gorge") Celluloid Bloodbathtrue- Self Marty Jenkins and the Vampire Bitchestrue- Stephanie The Resurrection Gametrue- Sister Bliss Close Encounters of the Inbred Redneck Kindtrue Top Movie Crew
A Feast of FleshtrueProduction
The Spicy Sisters Slumber PartytrueDirecting
Severe InjuriestrueDirecting
Severe InjuriestrueProduction
Severe InjuriestrueEditing
Demon Divas and the Lanes of DamnationtrueProduction
Return to Blood Fart LaketrueCrew
Babysitter MassacretrueCrew
7:45 of the DeadtrueDirecting
7:45 of the DeadtrueWriting
The Resurrection GametrueProduction
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