Joey Smack
Joey Smack
Top Movie Cast
Titanic 2000true- Drummer Erotic Survivortrue- Bernie Lombardo Vampire Stranglertrue- Shaman Silk Stocking Stranglertrue- Landlord Duck! The Carbine High Massacretrue- Derick Bikini Girls on Dinosaur Planettrue- Caveman (uncredited) I Get So Sick Sometimestrue- licked man Little Beautiestrue- passed out Vampire Stranglertrue- Shaman Lust in the Mummy's Tombtrue- The Mummy The Silver Mummytrue- (as Benny the Stain) I, Asphyxia: The Electric Cord Strangler IIItrue- Benny Infamous Bondage Murderstrue- Armond I Was a Teenage Stranglertrue Your Eyes Are Bleedingtrue The Masked Stranglertrue- Skater Kid (as Benny the Stain) Infamous Bondage Murders 2true- Armond Where the Dead Go to Dietrue- Ralph / Tommy's Dad / Legless War Vet (voice) Top Movie Crew
Silk Stocking StranglertrueCamera
Duck! The Carbine High MassacretrueDirecting
Today More Than EvertrueDirecting
Little BeautiestrueDirecting
I Know I Died with IttrueDirecting
Inside the Next-Door NeighborstrueDirecting
I Get So Sick SometimestrueDirecting
The Vibrating MaidtrueCrew
I Was a Teenage StranglertrueCrew
Bikini Girls on Dinosaur PlanettrueEditing
Bikini Girls on Dinosaur PlanettrueCrew
From The Depths Of Depravity: Forgive Me Father For I Have SinnedtrueCamera
Duck! The Carbine High MassacretrueWriting
Duck! The Carbine High MassacretrueProduction
Today More Than EvertrueCrew
I Get So Sick SometimestrueProduction
I Get So Sick SometimestrueCrew
I Get So Sick SometimestrueWriting
Little BeautiestrueWriting
I Know I Died with IttrueWriting
I Know I Died with IttrueCrew
Inside the Next-Door NeighborstrueWriting
Inside the Next-Door NeighborstrueCrew
Lust in the Mummy's TombtrueCrew
Infamous Bondage MurderstrueCrew
Les Chic 2: The King of SextrueCrew
The Masked StranglertrueCrew
My First Female LovertrueCrew
Vampire StranglertrueCrew