Jon McBride
Jon McBride
Top Movie Cast
Woodchipper Massacretrue- Jon Cannibal Campouttrue- Jon Passion Flowertrue- Larry’s Stand In Hellgate: The House That Screamed 2true- Professor Pollenfax Feeders 2: Slay Bellstrue- Derek The Alien Conspiracy: Grey Skiestrue Among Ustrue- Wayne Beaubier NightThirsttrue- Van Roth Blood Red Planettrue- Sterling Terror Housetrue- Crawford The Running Mantrue- Locker Room Viewer (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
The Zombie ChroniclestrueCrew
Terror HousetrueDirecting
Woodchipper MassacretrueDirecting
Cannibal CampouttrueDirecting
Cannibal CampouttrueWriting
Hellgate: The House That Screamed 2trueDirecting
Woodchipper MassacretrueWriting
Woodchipper MassacretrueProduction
Woodchipper MassacretrueEditing
Blood Red PlanettrueDirecting
Peter RottentailtrueSound
The Dinosaur ChroniclestrueSound
Cannibal CampouttrueProduction
Cannibal CampouttrueProduction
Cannibal CampouttrueEditing
Cannibal CampouttrueSound
Blood Red PlanettrueProduction
Terror HousetrueProduction
Holla If I Kill YoutrueSound
Gorilla Warfare: Battle of the ApestrueDirecting