Fulvio Mingozzi
Fulvio Mingozzi
Top Movie Cast
The Bird with the Crystal Plumagetrue- Police Detective Madly in Lovetrue- guardiano del Foro Romano Free Hand for a Tough Coptrue- Police captain Phenomenatrue- Mr. Sulzer Scorpion with Two Tailstrue- The Customs Officer The Case of the Scorpion's Tailtrue- Kurt Baumer Buddy Goes Westtrue- Saloon Owner (uncredited) Rulers of the Citytrue- Rick's Father (uncredited) The Big Rackettrue- Bar Owner (uncredited) The Five Daystrue- Man at Debate The Biggest Battletrue- French partisan Brothers Till We Dietrue- Commissioner Mingozzi The Cynic, the Rat & the Fisttrue- Inspector Pisani Rome, Armed to the Teethtrue- Agent Colantoni Violent Naplestrue- Police Inspector Mingozzi From Corleone to Brooklyntrue- Clerk 1 (uncredited) Play Moteltrue- Aureli (uncredited) Blood and Diamondstrue- Nicola The World's Goldtrue- Father of Lorena All the Gold in the Worldtrue- Mr. Vivaldi Corleonetrue- Avvocato di Vito Frankenstein '80true- Second Investigator Homo Eroticustrue- Chairman of Medical Congress Django Challenges Sartanatrue- Sheriff My Name Is Mallory... M Means Deathtrue- Killer Pierino the Pest to the Rescuetrue- passante allo zoo Nick the Stingtrue- Claude Ingrid on the Roadtrue- Ingrid's Father Maladonnatrue- Police superintendant Argoman the Fantastic Supermantrue- Guest at the Party Bonnie and Clyde Italian Styletrue- dottor Dominici The Nurse in the Military Madhousetrue- The captain of the carabinieri Pierino il fichissimotrue- Un passante Possibility Zerotrue- British intelligence officer My Wife is a Witchtrue- Employee Whytrue- Mingozzi, una guardia carceraria From Corleone to Brooklyntrue- Clerk The Heroin Busterstrue- GdF Brigadier Tiffany Memorandumtrue- Guest at 'Baumkuchen' Tragic Ceremonytrue- Police Inspector The Black Belly of the Tarantulatrue- Surgeon Bianco, rosso e Verdonetrue- poliziotto (uncredited) A Policewoman on the Porno Squadtrue- Policeman Società a responsabilità molto limitatatrue- Sindacalista Grand Slamtrue- Milford's Thug (uncredited) Confessions of a Lady Coptrue- Esaminatore Pensiero d'amoretrue- Lorenzetti Hot Nights of the Decamerontrue- Rutigliano 28 Minutes for 3 Million Dollarstrue- Hotel manager (uncredited) Where Are You Going All Naked?true- Party Guest (uncredited) Mazzabubù... quante corna stanno quaggiù?true- The Man in the corridor with Bordiga Come Now, My Dear Little Birdtrue- Nieswurz The New Barbarianstrue- Amos Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hottrue- PANTAC Board Member (uncredited) Tears of Lovetrue- Prison ward (uncredited) The Cat o' Nine Tailstrue- Spimi's man Suspiriatrue- Taxi Driver Deep Redtrue- Agent Mingozzi Torture Me But Kill Me with Kissestrue- Guest at the Party (uncredited) Calling All Police Carstrue- Police Inspector Four Flies on Grey Velvettrue- Music Studio Manager Tenebretrue- Alboretto, the porter Avenger Xtrue- Party Guest (uncredited) Seven Blood-Stained Orchidstrue- Agent The Bosstrue- Policeman (uncredited) The Big Dealtrue- Police commissioner Provaci anche tu Lioneltrue- Goran Henchman Il ragazzo che sorridetrue- Fine Arts Teacher Le inibizioni del dottor Gaudenzi, vedovo col complesso della buonanimatrue- Servant in Rome Mean Frank and Crazy Tonytrue- Official (uncredited) Profile Images
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