Mick McCleery
Mick McCleery
Top Movie Cast
Time Enough: The Alien Conspiracytrue- Man Rage of the Werewolftrue- McCoy Addicted to Murder 2: Tainted Bloodtrue- Joel Winter Addicted to Murder 3: Bloodlusttrue- Joel Winter The Alien Agenda: Out of the Darknesstrue- Survivor Addicted to Murdertrue- Joel Winter Vampires and Other Stereotypestrue- Erik Twisted Talestrue- Charlie / Bandage Man The Killing of Bobby Greenetrue- Ray Sterling Blood of the Werewolf II: Wolves & Zombiestrue Top Movie Crew
The AltruisttrueDirecting
Twisted TalestrueDirecting
The Alien Agenda: Out of the DarknesstrueDirecting
Vampires and Other StereotypestrueDirecting
The Killing of Bobby GreenetrueWriting
The Killing of Bobby GreenetrueDirecting
Twisted Tales 2trueDirecting
Twisted Tales 2trueWriting
The Killing of Bobby GreenetrueProduction