Ron Bonk
Ron Bonk
Top Movie Cast
Stumpedtrue- Pick-Up Driver Strawberry Estatestrue- Rudy Reynolds / Crew #1 Serial Killertrue- The Greensburg Reporter Night of Something Strangetrue- School Extra City of the Vampirestrue- Street Hood The Sandmantrue- TV Technician VHS Massacre: Cult Films and the Decline of Physical Mediatrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Strawberry EstatestrueWriting
Strawberry EstatestrueEditing
Strawberry EstatestrueProduction
Strawberry EstatestrueDirecting
Severe InjuriestrueProduction
The Vicious SweettrueDirecting
Gut PiletrueVisual Effects
The Vicious SweettrueWriting
Kaiju Glam Metal Shark AttacktrueProduction
Atomic GorillatrueProduction
Puppet SharktrueProduction
Screaming for Sanity: Truth or Dare 3trueWriting
Amityville Death ToilettrueProduction
Deadly PlaythingstrueProduction
Return to Blood Fart LaketrueProduction
Return to Blood Fart LaketrueCrew
City of the VampirestrueDirecting
City of the VampirestrueWriting
Night of Something StrangetrueDirecting
The Vicious SweettrueCrew
The Vicious SweettrueProduction
Hi-8 (Horror Independent 8)trueDirecting
Blind Cop 2trueProduction
Last House on Hell StreettrueProduction
Death Toilet 4: Brown Snakes on a PlanetrueProduction
Night of Something StrangetrueWriting
Sister KrampustrueWriting
Ms. Cannibal HolocausttrueDirecting
Aspiring PsychopathtrueProduction
Killers by NaturetrueProduction
Deadly Dares: Truth or Dare Part IVtrueProduction
Amityville KarentrueProduction
Amityville A.I.trueProduction
Night of Something StrangetrueProduction
Peter RottentailtrueProduction
Venus DIE-TraptrueProduction
Hi-8 (Horror Independent 8)trueProduction
Amityville VRtrueProduction
The Pickleball ExorcisttrueProduction
Winnie the Pooh BEASTtrueProduction
Red Light District Shark AttacktrueProduction
Amityville BackpacktrueProduction
The FrontroomstrueProduction
Amityville RippertrueProduction
Four Nights in Fear ForesttrueProduction
Chainsaw KillertrueProduction
City of the VampirestrueEditing
VHS Massacre: Cult Films and the Decline of Physical MediatrueProduction
The Evil Dead Inbred RedneckstrueProduction
Virus SharktrueProduction
Sharks of the CorntrueProduction
Hi-8 (Horror Independent 8)trueWriting
Amityville BloodbathtrueProduction
Sharks of the CorntrueProduction
Sister KrampustrueProduction
Amityville BigfoottrueProduction
The Final PossessiontrueProduction