Arturo Dominici
Arturo Dominici
Top Movie Cast
Temple of the White Elephanttrue- Bramu Special Killerstrue- District Attorney Un dollaro di fifatrue- Spiritual The Eroticisttrue- sua eccellenza Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspiciontrue- Mangani Black Sundaytrue- Igor Javutich / Javuto Caltiki, the Immortal Monstertrue- Nieto Castle of Bloodtrue- Dr. Carmus Yvonne of the Nighttrue- Un ufficiale di cavalleria Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylontrue- Kaichev Joseph and His Brethrentrue- Rekmira Mazinga contro gli UFO Robottrue The Thief of Baghdadtrue- Prince Osman The Betrothedtrue- Cardinale Federigo Borromeo Goliath and the Barbarianstrue- Svevo Hercules and the Masked Ridertrue- Don Ramiro Confessions of a Police Captaintrue- Maître Canistraro Giant of the Evil Islandtrue- Don Alvarado Lone and Angry Mantrue- Jerry Krueger Son of Hercules vs. Medusatrue- Acrisio God Will Forgive My Pistoltrue- Judge Collins Zorro il ribelletrue- Don Alvarez The Conquest of Mycenaetrue- Penthius Son of Hercules vs. Medusatrue- Akrisios Goliath at the Conquest of Damascustrue- Kaichev Lost Soulstrue- Franco - direttore della banca Lo sgarbotrue- Don Lipari Angelique and the Sultantrue- Mezzo Morte Untamable Angeliquetrue- Mezzo Morte (uncredited) Pinocchiotrue- Pescatore Verde (voce) Two Escape from Sing Singtrue- Alfred Attanasia The Pisciotta Casetrue- Michele Scauri Zorro, Rider of Vengeancetrue Messalinatrue- Caius Silius Love Is a Funny Thingtrue- Le douanier Simbad e il califfo di Bagdadtrue- Visir Satiricosissimotrue- Tigellino Revenge of the Barbarianstrue- Antemius The Trojan Horsetrue- Achilles A Million Dollars for 7 Murderstrue- commissario The Triumph of Robin Hoodtrue- barone Fitz Alwine The Sign of the Coyotetrue- Judge Clemens Sign of the Gladiatortrue- Zenobia's Officer (uncredited) The SuperVipstrue- Caretaker (voice) Girolimoni, the Monster of Rometrue- Ing. Jaccarino Free Hand for a Tough Coptrue- De Rita Silent Actiontrue- Chief of Police King Dicktrue- Il Notaio (voice) Rosso e nerotrue- Himself Fantomas Unleashedtrue- Professeur canadien I piaceri del sabato nottetrue- Un cliente dell'atelier The Conformisttrue- The Colonel (voice) Heidi in the Citytrue- Dottor Classen Top Movie Crew
Rome, Armed to the TeethtrueSound