Andreas Pape
Andreas Pape
Top Movie Cast
Goodbye Erwin Braddogtrue- Krähenmensch Barricadetrue- Sean / The Freak Lord of the Undeadtrue- Azuel The Legend of Moonlight Mountaintrue- Ben Julia & Romeo - Liebe ist ein Schlachtfeldtrue- Iwan Project Genesis: Crossclub 2true- Zombie Die Rückkehr der Gabelstaplerfahrertrue- Matrose La Petite morttrue- Simon Hunting Creaturestrue- Hunter Mutation 2 - Generation Deadtrue- Benny König Tatort Calw - Auge um Augetrue- Jan Gubalski Odyssey of Heroestrue- Johannes Burgwächter Maximum Violencetrue- Ben Mutation - Annihilationtrue- Benny König Bunker of the Deadtrue- Operator Paul Turbo Zombi - Tampons of the Deadtrue- Polizist Destruction of Silencetrue- Mason Collister Necronos: Tower of Doomtrue- Goran Victim M III: Century of the Deadtrue- Benny König Kettensägen Zombiestrue- Andy Midnight's Callingtrue- Zombie Sounds of Feartrue- Kevin Kinder der Nacht 2true- Bodyguard Top Movie Crew
Lord of the UndeadtrueCamera
Lord of the UndeadtrueCrew
Lord of the UndeadtrueCamera
Hunting CreaturestrueWriting
Hunting CreaturestrueDirecting
The Legend of Moonlight MountaintrueCrew
The Legend of Moonlight MountaintrueCrew
M III: Century of the DeadtrueProduction
M III: Century of the DeadtrueSound
Kettensägen ZombiestrueDirecting
Kettensägen ZombiestrueVisual Effects
Kettensägen ZombiestrueProduction
Hunting CreaturestrueCrew
Sounds of FeartrueDirecting
Sounds of FeartrueWriting
Sounds of FeartrueProduction
Project Genesis: Crossclub 2trueCrew