Grace Cunard
Grace Cunard
Top Movie Cast
The Denver Dudetrue- Mrs. Bird A Dumb Romeotrue- Carolyn Van Colten The Purple Dominotrue- Lucille Love, "The Purple Domino" The Chinatown Mysterytrue A Trick of Heartstrue- The Constable Haunted Islandtrue- Mary Strong The Strings of Steeltrue- Bowery Belle A Lady Surrenderstrue- Maid The Purple Masktrue- Patricia Montez/Queen of the Apaches The Adventures of Peg o' the Ringtrue- Peg O' the Ring Elmo, the Mightytrue- Lucille Gray The Broken Cointrue- Kitty Gray The Heart of Lincolntrue- Betty Jason Lucille Love: The Girl of Mysterytrue- Lucille Love The Bandit's Wagertrue- Nan Jefferson The Last Man on Earthtrue- Gertie The Mummy's Tombtrue- Farmer's Wife (uncredited) The Ace of Scotland Yardtrue- Mary Duveen- aka Queen of Diamonds Blake of Scotland Yardtrue- Queen of Diamonds Heroes of the Westtrue- Flo The Call of the Savagetrue- Mrs. Camerford Amster Bride of Frankensteintrue- Villager (uncredited) The Heart of an Indiantrue Night Waitresstrue- Waitress Wings Over Honolulutrue- Mrs. Strange Crashing Hollywoodtrue- Mrs. Armstrong (uncredited) Winners of the Westtrue- Townswoman Hell's Cratertrue- Cherry Maurice Girls of the Big Housetrue- Medical Trustee Chinatown Squadtrue- Schoolteacher The Fourth Horsemantrue- Mrs. Elmer Brown Rustlers of Red Dogtrue- Mrs. Perkins [Chs. 1, 4] The Adventures of Smilin' Jacktrue- Second German Woman Spy [Chs. 6-7] Unmaskedtrue- Meg - a Crook Little Accidenttrue- Nurse (uncredited) The Girl in the Taxitrue- Marietta A Daughter of the Lawtrue- The Secret Service Agent Outwittedtrue- Lucy Carlisle The Bad Sistertrue- Minor Role (uncredited) Dangerous Waterstrue- Ship Stewardess (uncredited) The Climaxtrue- Backstage Maid (Uncredited) The Campbells Are Comingtrue Ladies They Talk Abouttrue- Marie (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
The Vault of MysterytrueDirecting
The Heart of LincolntrueWriting
The Purple MasktrueWriting
The Purple MasktrueDirecting
The Purple MasktrueProduction
A Study in ScarlettrueWriting
The Bandit's WagertrueProduction
The Bandit's WagertrueWriting
A Daughter of the LawtrueProduction
A Daughter of the LawtrueDirecting
Lucille Love: The Girl of MysterytrueWriting
The Broken CointrueWriting
The Phantom ViolintrueWriting
The Adventures of Peg o' the RingtrueWriting
The Campbells Are ComingtrueWriting
The Demon in the SkytrueWriting
The Demon in the SkytrueDirecting
The Purple Mask, Ep5: "The Ablaze in Mid-Air"trueDirecting
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