Kōsaku Yamashita
Kōsaku Yamashita
Japanese film director.
Top Movie Crew
Isshin Tasuke: Edoites FestivaltrueDirecting
Yoake no hata matsumoto jiichirō DentrueDirecting
Code Between Brothers: Three Brothers of Kanto, Part IItrueDirecting
Red Peony GamblertrueDirecting
Red Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling RoomtrueDirecting
Big Time Gambling BosstrueDirecting
Father of the KamikazetrueDirecting
A Lively GeishatrueDirecting
Samurai GeishatrueDirecting
Purple Hood: The Secret of The GoldtrueDirecting
Fugitive ScoundreltrueDirecting
The Tattooed HitmantrueDirecting
Return of the OutlawtrueDirecting
Gokudo of KamagasakitrueDirecting
The Yakuza AwaitstrueDirecting
Zorome no San KyoudaitrueDirecting
The Viper Brothers: Four and a Half Years in JailtrueDirecting
Code Between BrotherstrueDirecting
Another Way: D-Kikan-JohotrueDirecting
Code Between Brothers 2trueDirecting
A Cheerful YakuzatrueDirecting
Yokosuka Navy PrisontrueDirecting
Continental DriftertrueDirecting
Fate Deals the Card of DeathtrueDirecting
Jail BreakerstrueDirecting
Code Between Brothers 3trueDirecting
Yakuza vs. Gang LeadertrueDirecting
Brutal Tales of Chivalry 6trueDirecting
The Last True YakuzatrueDirecting
Yakuza Ladies: The Final BattletrueDirecting
Yakuza Ladies Revisited 2trueDirecting
Bloodiest FlowertrueDirecting
Edo Crime Book: Black ClawstrueDirecting
The Smart Aleck TentrueDirecting
Showdown of Men 3trueDirecting
The Biggest GambletrueDirecting
The Story of a Man Among MentrueDirecting
Code Between Brothers 5trueDirecting
The Marked MantrueDirecting
Japan's Top GangstertrueDirecting
The Murder CorpstrueDirecting
The Flower and the DragontrueDirecting
Bitter Tears of a Woman GamblertrueDirecting
The Great DueltrueDirecting
Showdown of Men 4: Tetsu, the White TigertrueDirecting
The Domain: Rising DragontrueDirecting
The Cross of VengeancetrueDirecting
Tears of BanishmenttrueDirecting
The Brawling AngeltrueDirecting
The Man Who Assassinated RyomatrueDirecting
Path of Japanese Chivalry: Story of All-Out AttacktrueDirecting
Yakuza of SekitrueDirecting
The Night of Martial LawtrueDirecting
The Drifting GamblertrueDirecting
A Yakuza Goes HometrueDirecting
Flower and Dragon: Duel of the Sea CavestrueDirecting
Tales of the Inner ChambertrueDirecting
Tokugawa Ichizoku no HoukaitrueDirecting
Seven Knights Pt. 1trueDirecting
Seven Knights Pt. 3trueDirecting
Seven Knights Pt. 2trueDirecting
Wakatono senryō hadatrueDirecting
Bushido: The Cruel Code of the SamuraitrueDirecting