James Pier Mason
James Pier Mason
Top Movie Cast
Let It Raintrue- Crook (as James Mason) The Penaltytrue- Frisco Pete (as James Mason) The Squaw Mantrue- Grouchy (as James Mason) The Story of Temple Draketrue- Van Mile-a-Minute Romeotrue- Morgan (as James Mason) Why Worry?true- Jim Blake For Heaven's Saketrue- The Gangster Fighting Shadowstrue- Horn - Randall's Partner (as James Mason) The Girl of the Golden Westtrue- Townsman in Saloon The Flaming Fortiestrue- 'Jay-Bird' Charley The Big Killingtrue- First Beagle Son (as James Mason) Rugged Watertrue- Wally Oakes A Race for Lifetrue- Bruce Morgan The Silent Calltrue- Luther Nash The Footlight Rangertrue- Al Brownley The Dude Rangertrue- 'Hawk' Stevens (as James Mason) Whispering Smithtrue- Du Sang The Old Homesteadtrue- Lem Holbrook Along the Sundown Trailtrue- Barfly (uncredited) The Mysterious Ridertrue- Jack Bellounds Across to Singaporetrue- Finch The Concentratin' Kidtrue- Art Campbell Love on a Bettrue- Hobo Trading Clothes Dancing Sweetiestrue- Tommy Evans (uncredited) The Phantom Citytrue- Joe Bridges Where Trails Dividetrue- Henchman Red The Phantom Ridertrue- Dirk Dead Man's Curvetrue- Derne The Good Bad-Mantrue- Bandit The Renegade Rangertrue- Hank Shooting Straighttrue- Spot Willis Flame of the Deserttrue- Desert Sheik Drum Tapstrue- Henchman Stubby Lane The Unknown Cavaliertrue- Henry Suggs Texas Gun Fightertrue- Henchman Drag The Painted Deserttrue- Shotgun Rider for Bill's Wagon Beggar on Horsebacktrue- Homer Cady (as James Mason) The Last of the Duanestrue- Jim Morgan The Shrimptrue- Jim the Bully A Modern Musketeertrue- Bandit (uncredited) Wanderer of the Wastelandtrue- Guerd Larey Young Dr. Kildaretrue- Lodger Going for Ambulance (uncredited) Music Is Magictrue- Audience Spectator (uncredited) Hop-a-long Cassidytrue- Hall Cyrano de Bergeractrue- Cavalier (uncredited) Stagecoachtrue- Tonto Express Agent Jim (uncredited) Let Freedom Ringtrue- Barfly (uncredited) The Oklahoma Kidtrue- Man in Hotel (uncredited) The Return of the Cisco Kidtrue- Juror Young Mr. Lincolntrue- Juror (uncredited) Tower of Londontrue- Beggar Frontier Marshaltrue- Townsman Border Lawtrue- Shag Smith (as James Mason) Headin' for the Rio Grandetrue- Red Dugan Bar 20 Rides Againtrue- Henchman The Cisco Kid and the Ladytrue- Barfly The Marshal Of Mesa Citytrue- Man Shot by Cliff (uncredited) Lucky Cisco Kidtrue- Barfly Viva Cisco Kidtrue- Henchman Lem Midnight Courttrue- Police Detective Call of the Prairietrue- Hoskins Missing Witnessestrue- Convict (uncredited) Hills of Old Wyomingtrue- Deputy Henchman Something to Think Abouttrue- Country Masher Alias the Lone Wolftrue- Popinot (as James Mason) Renegades of the Westtrue- Blackie 20 Mule Teamtrue- Third Barfly Counting Bill's Money To the Last Mantrue- Colby Man Joe (uncredited) In Old Montereytrue- Henchman Life Begins at Fortytrue- Townsman in Print Shop Captain Furytrue- Settler Relaying Signal The Tabasco Kidtrue- Sheriff Wild Bill Hickok Ridestrue- Townsman Overland Mailtrue- Man in Cafe Billy The Kid's Round-Uptrue- Barfly Billy the Kid Trappedtrue- Barfly The Lone Rider and the Bandittrue- Barfly The Kid Rides Againtrue- Gus Godless Mentrue- 'Red' Pawl What Price Hollywood?true- Attorney Roberts (uncredited) Old Clothestrue- Dapper Dan (as James Mason) Captain Bloodtrue- Pirate One Sunday Afternoontrue- Dink's Chum (uncredited) Headin' Southtrue- His Aide (as James Mason) The Fast Mailtrue- Lee Martin (as James Mason) Chicago After Midnighttrue- Hardy (as James Mason) The Heritage of the Deserttrue- Snap Naab The Long, Long Trailtrue- Mike Wilson The King of Kingstrue- Gestas - the Unrepentant Thief (as James Mason) Welcome Dangertrue- Barry Steele / Dick the Dude (uncredited) The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gaptrue- Barfly (uncredited) Scars of Jealousytrue- Zeke Jacques The Red Lanetrue- Dave Roi (as James Mason) All Faces Westtrue- Tony/Kit Carson Les Misérablestrue- Galley Prisoner Laughing at Troubletrue- Seth Williams - Townsman in Mob Barriers Burned Awaytrue- Slim Edwards