John Henry Richardson
John Henry Richardson
Top Movie Cast
Crime Scenetrue- Lieutenant Cannon The Legend of Jack and Dianetrue- Chief Melton Jonas Maximum Securitytrue- Captain Hightower Empire of the Darktrue- Eddie Green The Bikini Escort Companytrue- Dean Grundy Inner Sanctumtrue- Lieutenant Wanamaker Destination Vegastrue- P.R. Guy Chocolate Chip Cookiestrue- Jack Thirteen Erotic Ghoststrue- Ted Nightingale Tomb of the Werewolftrue- Richard Daninsky Final Examinationtrue- Hugh Janus Bad Girls from Marstrue- Richard Trent Hollywood Chainsaw Hookerstrue- Jack Chandler The Curse of the Komodotrue- Foster Fugitive Ragetrue- Tommy Stompanato The Witches of Breastwicktrue- Dr. Richards Terror Nighttrue- Phantom #1 Thy Neighbor's Wifetrue- Mr. Slider Mind, Body & Soultrue- Det. McKenzie Vice Academy Part 2true- Commissioner A.I. Assaulttrue- Dr. Trent Komodo vs. Cobratrue- Dr. William Richardson Sorceress II: The Temptresstrue- Dr. Condon Wizards of the Demon Swordtrue- Omar Haunting Feartrue- Terry Monroe Sins of Desiretrue- Dr. Scott Callister Teenage Exorcisttrue- Mike Bikini Airwaystrue- Captain Sam Witch Academytrue- Professor Lamar Terminal Forcetrue- Johnny Ventura Bikini a Go Gotrue- Narrator Lust Connectiontrue- Detective Blake Witchcraft II: The Temptresstrue- Mr. Adams Death Row Dinertrue- Bill Weston Tales from the Apocalypsetrue- Dr. Stephen Bikini Round-Uptrue- J R Masterson Teenage Cavegirltrue- Dr. Matthews Screaming in High Heels: The Rise & Fall of the Scream Queen Eratrue- Himself Street Soldierstrue- Wheelchair Willie AI-pocalypsetrue- Stephen Vice Academy 4true- The Commissioner Vice Academy 5true- Commissioner Confessions of a Teenage Satanisttrue- Father Larry Harvey The Birthmark Killertrue- Mr. Higgins Original Intenttrue- Matthew Cameron Jail Breakerstrue- Warden Kendrick Gator Kingtrue- Ranger Ronnie Dickson Vice Academy Part 3true- Commissioner Dennis & Henry's Post-Divorce Checklisttrue- Monty Vice Academy Part 6true- Commissioner Time Burst: The Final Alliancetrue- Mueller Aisle Be Home for Christmastrue- Tristan The Second Coming of John Coopertrue- Marshall Wesserman Hidden Creektrue- Jimmy Tucker Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfoldtrue- Bob Gordon Mega Scorpionstrue- Mayor Carl Baxter Fatal Skiestrue- Officer Wilson Haunting Desirestrue- Detective Trout Bikini Chain Gangtrue- Warden Kendrick Marked for Murdertrue- Kilrenney Beverly Hills Vamptrue- Aaron Pendleton Starstrucktrue- Jake Michaels Demolition Hightrue- Hawkins Smooth Operatortrue- Charles Walters Passion Crimestrue- Thornton Munchie Strikes Backtrue- Todd Hapner Genie in a String Bikinitrue- Dr. R.J. Reynolds Nessie & Metrue- Captain Jack O'Grady Divorce Lawtrue- Philip Grimes Out of Timetrue- Officer Minion Unwanted Guesttrue- Detective Parker Killing for Lovetrue- Michael My Uncle the Alientrue- Marty Walters Busty Cops 2true- The Captain Victim of Desiretrue- Richard Jordan Sniper: Special Opstrue- Cooper I'll Eat You Alivetrue- Earl Brothers in Armstrue- Abbott Blackmarktrue- Gerald Hillcrest You Snooze You Losetrue- Mr. Snazowski Fronteratrue- Frank Daniels A Doggone Adventuretrue- Dr. Roland Masters Alienatortrue- Prison Sgt. Major Lost Treasuretrue- Cruise Ship Captain Irresistible Impulsetrue- Armand Kabakian Hell Hath No Furytrue- Detective Loomis Castlevania: Hymn of Bloodtrue Top Movie Crew
Teenage ExorcisttrueProduction
Screaming NighttrueDirecting