Francisco Reyes
Francisco Reyes
Top Movie Cast
Street Theatre, My Captaintrue Doctor Chancetrue- Georg Trakl Machucatrue- Patricio Infante The Clubtrue- Father Alfonso A Fantastic Womantrue- Orlando The Wandering Soap Operatrue- Hermes / Franklin Something Is Out Theretrue The Night Visitortrue- Bruno Diplomatic Siegetrue- Pascal Angelstrue- Politics Professor La chica del Crillóntrue- Ramón A TV Dante (Cantos 9 to 14)true- Dante La Recta Provinciatrue- El hombre de Acaballo Days in the Countrytrue- Dr. Chadián Cofralandes, Chilean Rhapsodytrue- Paulino Der Radfahrer von San Cristóbaltrue- Manterola The Chosen Onetrue- Patricio Profile Images
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