Eddie Laughton
Eddie Laughton
Top Movie Cast
The Secret Seventrue- Henchman Bishop North of Shanghaitrue- Sam His Wedding Scaretrue- Niagara Falls Hotel Desk Clerk You Nazty Spy!true- Vance Rippemup (uncredited) She's Oil Minetrue- Clementi, Elsie's suitor; also voice of radio announcer Girls of the Roadtrue- Footsy They Stooge to Congatrue- Radio Quiz Announcer (voice) (uncredited) Slippery Silkstrue- Manager of 'Madame de France' (uncredited) We Want Our Mummytrue- Cab Driver (uncredited) Scandal Sheettrue- Hal Lunny Men Without Soulstrue- Lefty Cactus Makes Perfecttrue- Gold Mine 'Salesman' (uncredited) What's the Matador?true- Telegraph Clerk / Bullring Attendant (uncredited) A Plumbing We Will Gotrue- The Prosecutor Movie Maniacstrue- Grip (uncredited) Cash and Carrytrue- Bank Teller (uncredited) It Happened in Hollywoodtrue- Bank Robber The Lone Wolf Spy Hunttrue- Mustached Henchman (uncredited) Mandrake the Magiciantrue- Kidnapping Henchman Almost a Gentlemantrue- Bystander Good Girls Go to Paristrue- Railroad Pullman Passenger (uncredited) Money Squawkstrue- Robber (uncredited) Open Season for Sapstrue- Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited) The Lone Wolf Keeps a Datetrue- Measles The Lone Wolf Meets a Ladytrue- Police Guard Pardon My Berth Markstrue- Train Passenger Bullets for Rustlerstrue- Shorty - Bartender Texas Stagecoachtrue- Workman The Lost Weekendtrue- Mr. Brophy (uncredited) Mystery Shiptrue- Turillo I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Islandtrue- Brisson Thundering Frontiertrue- Clem (uncredited) Special Inspectortrue- Henchman, posing as David Foster Blondie Has Servant Troubletrue- Photographer (uncredited) Five Little Peppers in Troubletrue- Mrs. Wilcox's Chauffeur Out West with the Pepperstrue- Lumberjack Defective Detectivestrue- Photographer Power of the Presstrue- Reporter (uncredited) Atlantic Convoytrue- Radio Operator The Man from Tumbleweedstrue- Banker Jackson Deadwood Dicktrue- Henchman The Doctor Takes a Wifetrue- Photographer (uncredited) Canal Zonetrue- Recruit Hughes Oily to Bed, Oily to Risetrue- Swindler in Front Seat (uncredited) The Lady in Questiontrue- Minor Role (uncredited) Island of Doomed Mentrue- Borgo - Parolee (uncredited) Beyond the Sacramentotrue- Townsman Cafe Hostesstrue- Henchman It Can't Last Forevertrue- Reporter Vengeance of the Westtrue- Henchman Alias Boston Blackietrue- Ambulance Driver (uncredited) Hello, Annapolistrue- Hank Blazing Six Shooterstrue- Henchman West of Abilenetrue- Poke The Son of Davy Crocketttrue- Election Official Three Girls About Towntrue- Magician Outlaws of the Panhandletrue- Henchman Chad The Racket Mantrue- Henchman Chuck Lawless Plainsmentrue- Cowhand Murph Sagebrush Heroestrue- Henchman Layton Down Rio Grande Waytrue- Ranger Davidson Across the Sierrastrue- Ed - Man with Noose Sabotage Squadtrue- George, end barber [script name only: Felix] Convicted Womantrue- Jack Pendy (uncredited) Submarine Raidertrue- Shannon Pest from the Westtrue- Deck Hand (uncredited) Hands Across the Rockiestrue- Court Clerk Harmon of Michigantrue- Game Spectator Razzing Harmon Parachute Nursetrue- Sgt. Laughton Tramp, Tramp, Tramp!true- Guard Ghosts on the Loosetrue- Wedding Usher (uncredited) The Affairs of Susantrue- Bartender at Bright Dollar (Uncredited) Glamour for Saletrue- Freddie Walker (uncredited) Murder in Times Squaretrue- Younger Detective Blondie Goes Latintrue- Steward (uncredited) Gambling with Soulstrue- Nick Meet the Stewartstrue- Waiter (uncredited) The Boogie Man Will Get Youtrue- Mr. Johnson The Frame-Uptrue- Bud (uncredited) Two Yanks in Trinidadtrue- Soldier (uncredited)