Park Myung-shin
Park Myung-shin
Top Movie Cast
Oasistrue- Woman Neighbor Poetrytrue- Hee-jin's Mother Hwayi: A Monster Boytrue- Assemblywoman Jeong Replacement Driver VLOGtrue- So-jung's oldest sister Tazza: The High Rollerstrue- Middle-aged Woman 1 Skyrocket Junipers Under the Crescenttrue- Mother Members of the Funeraltrue- Jung-Hee Our Towntrue- Yeo Sa-jang My Mother the Mermaidtrue- Bathhouse Owner Bitch Heart Assholetrue- woman in car Dear Dolphintrue- Myung-shin Secret Sunshinetrue- Female Missionary Kundo: Age of the Rampanttrue- Choi's Wife Boys of Tomorrowtrue- Jong-Dae's mother Red Familytrue- Toad Woman War of the Arrowstrue- Kim Mu-seon's Wife Duelisttrue- Gi-saeng's Mother (uncredited) Illusionary Paradisetrue- Ja-Young Brokentrue- Min-ki's Mother Twentytrue- Chi-ho's Mother Set Me Freetrue- Yoon-mi's Mother Slow Videotrue- Jang-Boo's mother Dongju: The Portrait of a Poettrue- Mong-gyu's Mother Train to Busantrue- Jong-gil Beaten Black And Bluetrue- Sookhee Camel(s)true- Myeong-heui Coffee Noir: Black Browntrue Herstorytrue- CEO Jung Dae-hyeob A Little Pondtrue- Gae-bi's mom To Catch a Virgin Ghosttrue- Dae-soon Bravo, My Life!true- Jae-myung's mother Lady Vengeancetrue- Dong-hwa's Mother Don't Go Too Fartrue- Kim Yeong-eun Paprika Feasttrue- Hyung-geun's mother The Recorder Examtrue- Mother 0.0MHztrue- So-hee's Mother Ambubaggingtrue- Chief Nurse Camelliatrue- Customer (segment "Love for Sale") Zombie Crush in Heyritrue- Jo A Young Escape from Mogadishutrue- Bae Young-sook I, the Executionertrue- School Principal Cassiopeiatrue- Caregiver