Kon Omura
Kon Omura
Top Movie Cast
Sazae-san, the Wayward Wifetrue Echo in the Mountainstrue Records of loyal vassalstrue Zokuzoku bantōhan to detchidontrue Zoku bantōhan to detchidontrue Bantōhan to detchidontrue Mr. Greenhorntrue- Uranari Dai nippon kosodoro dentrue- Mezashi Shin nitōhei monogatari medetaku gaisen no makitrue Sex Comedy, Quick on the Triggertrue- Glasses A Country Bosstrue- Heikichi Murder Unincorporatedtrue- Konmatsu Teardropstrue- Labor recruiter Yokoi Gamera vs. Jigertrue- Ryosaku Kitayama Tora-san's Love in Osakatrue The Man Who Assassinated Ryomatrue Gamera vs. Guirontrue- Officer Kon Kondo Trackedtrue- Sutezo Matsui Dai Nihon hattari-dentrue