Tris Coffin
Tris Coffin
Top Movie Cast
Good Neighbor Samtrue- Sonny Blatchford The Corpse Vanishestrue- Dr. Foster (as Tris Coffin) Creature with the Atom Braintrue- Dist. Atty. MacGraw Mission to Glory: A True Storytrue- Father Francesco Saeta (as Tris Coffin) I'll See You in My Dreamstrue- Nightclub Maitre D' (uncredited) A Man Betrayedtrue- Night Club Patron with Blonde (uncredited) The Night the World Explodedtrue- Dr. Ellis Morton Escape from San Quentintrue- Detective Lieutenant at Headquarters The Mysterious Mr. Valentinetrue- John Armstrong Dangerous Moneytrue- Scott Pearson Fireman Save My Childtrue- Tucker G.I. War Bridestrue- Officer (uncredited) The Huntedtrue- Detective Not a Ladies' Mantrue- Attorney (uncredited) The Baron of Arizonatrue- McCleary Undercover Girltrue- Robbie The Crawling Handtrue- Security Chief Meidel Under Nevada Skiestrue- Dan Adams They Met in Bombaytrue- Captain in Car (uncredited) Flight to Marstrue- Commentator (uncredited) Law and Ordertrue- Parker (uncredited) Ma Barker's Killer Broodtrue- Arthur Dunlop Painting The Clouds With Sunshinetrue- Manager (uncredited) A Tragedy at Midnighttrue- Landeck's Secretary (uncredited) Pirates of the High Seastrue- Walter Castell Lost Planet Airmentrue- Prof. Jeff King Forbidden Trailstrue- Ed Nelson Arizona Boundtrue- Steve Taggert (as Tris Coffin) Outragetrue- Judge McKenzie Queen of the Yukontrue- Carson The Scarlet Coattrue- Col. Varick Lawless Codetrue- Judge Harmon Steele Combat Squadtrue- Capt. Johnson Siroccotrue- Guard (uncredited) Swing the Western Waytrue- Martin The Saint Strikes Backtrue- Second Newscaster (Uncredited) Let's Go Collegiatetrue- Slugger Wilson Jesse James Rides Againtrue- James Clark Oklahoma Terrortrue- Mason Sailors on Leavetrue- Officer (uncredited) Destroyertrue- Doctor #1 (uncredited) Prairie Gunsmoketrue- Jim Kelton Mysterious Doctor Satantrue- Wells - Governor's Secretary Smoky Canyontrue- Carl Buckley The Fatal Hourtrue- Hotel Desk Clerk King of the Rocket Mentrue- Jeff King Overland Mailtrue- Joe Polini Cosmo Jones, Crime Smashertrue- Jake Pelotti According to Mrs. Hoyletrue- Pat Dennison No Greater Sintrue- Maj. Raleigh Valley of Feartrue- Henry Stevens Crashing Thrutrue- Cliff Devin Dick Tracy's G-Mentrue- Emissary Zobar (uncredited) Up in the Airtrue- Bob Farrell Doomed to Dietrue- Mr. Baldwin - Adjuster (uncredited) Desperadoes of Dodge Citytrue- Ace Durant The Resurrection of Zachary Wheelertrue- Dr. Keating Chasing Troubletrue- Phillips Perils of Nyokatrue- Benito Torrini Rodeo King and the Senoritatrue- Jack Foster Desert Vigilantetrue- Thomas Hadley California Firebrandtrue- Jim Requa aka Jud Babbit Radar Secret Servicetrue- Michael The Cowboy from Sundowntrue- Ben Varco The Kid from Broken Guntrue- Martin Donohugh The Damned Don't Crytrue- George - Maitre d'Hotel at Grady's (uncredited) Buckaroo Sheriff of Texastrue- Jim Tulane Northwest Territorytrue- Kincaid The Old Frontiertrue- John Wagner Short Grasstrue- John Devore The Invisible Informertrue- David Baylor Son of the Navytrue- Service Station Attendant Bells of Capistranotrue- Jed Johnson On the Spottrue- Robert Ames Radar Patrol vs. Spy Kingtrue- Franklyn Lord West of Pinto Basintrue- Harvey Roaring Frontierstrue- Bert (Flint Adams in credits) Cowboy Serenadetrue- Dixie Trambeau Dawn on the Great Dividetrue- Matt Rand (as Tris Coffin) Arizona Frontiertrue- Lt. James Tonto Basin Outlawstrue- Jeff Miller Trail to San Antonetrue- Cal Young Secret of Outlaw Flatstrue- Mr. Otis, Lawyer Rhythm of the Rio Grandetrue- Jim Banister A Tornado in the Saddletrue- Hutch Dalton The Devil's Trailtrue- Henchman Ed Scott Wyoming Hurricanetrue- Steve Kirby (uncredited) Rio Grande Raiderstrue- Marc Redmond The Gay Cavaliertrue- Lawton Under Arizona Skiestrue- Blackie Evans Where the North Beginstrue- Arnold Land of the Lawlesstrue- Cameo Carson Range Justicetrue- Ed Dutton Riders of the Dusktrue- J.J. Hall The Legend Of The Lone Rangertrue- Reid (uncredited) Hannah Lee: An American Primitivetrue- Paulson, Bartender Idahotrue- Blackie (uncredited) So's Your Aunt Emma!true- Flower Henderson Meet the Wildcattrue- Sleepy Policeman at Headquarters You're Out of Lucktrue- Roger C. Whitman / Dick Whitney The Maverick Queentrue- Card Player (uncredited) The Man in the Gray Flannel Suittrue- Byron The Lady Pays Offtrue- Carl Holt of the Secret Servicetrue- Ed Valdin [Chs. 1-10] Silver Skatestrue- Stage Manager The Shanghai Chesttrue- Edward Seward The Unfaithfultrue- Party Guest Homicidetrue- Telephone Company Representative The Fountainheadtrue- Toohey's Secretary (uncredited) Last Stagecoach Westtrue- Gibson Appointment for Lovetrue- Jennifer's Friend (uncredited) Rhubarbtrue- Dr. Henry J. Stillman (uncredited) Romance on the High Seastrue- Headwaiter on Ship (uncredited) Night Call Nursestrue- Miles Bailey Bruce Gentrytrue- Krendon The Brute Mantrue- Police Lieutenant / voice of radio announcer (uncredited) Queen for a Daytrue- Doctor