Jimmie Dodd
Jimmie Dodd
Top Movie Cast
Flaming Furytrue- Kenneth Bender The Man I Lovetrue- Jimmy Johnson (uncredited) The Second Womantrue- Mr. Nelson Riders of the Rio Grandetrue- Lullaby Joslin The I Don't Care Girltrue- Will Rogers The Crimson Canarytrue- Chuck Post Office Investigatortrue- Eddie Waltch Something for the Boystrue- Gambling Soldier (uncredited) Rolling Hometrue- Cowboy Guitarist Al Jennings of Oklahomatrue- Buck Botkin Private Snuffy Smithtrue- Pvt. Don Elbie Daredevils of the Cloudstrue- Eddy Clark Phfffttrue- Cab Driver (uncredited) Whiplashtrue- Pianist at Sam's Cafe Sleep, My Lovetrue- Elevator Operator So This Is Washingtontrue- Earl - Hick Townsman (uncredited) The Jackie Robinson Storytrue- UCLA Scout (uncredited) Too Late for Tearstrue- Second Car Thief (uncredited) Shadows on the Sagetrue- Lullaby Joslin Santa Fe Scoutstrue- Lullaby Joslin Thundering Trailstrue- Lullaby Joslin The Blocked Trailtrue- Lullaby Joslin Valley of Hunted Mentrue- Lullaby Joslin Law and Ordertrue- Jimmy Dixon The Lusty Mentrue- Red Logan The Richest Man in Towntrue- Bill Since You Went Awaytrue- Train Passenger (uncredited) Flying Tigerstrue- McIntosh Walt Disney Treasures - The Mickey Mouse Clubtrue- Himself Keep 'Em Sluggingtrue- Shorty Twilight on the Prairietrue- Chuck The Silver Bullettrue- Stage Passenger It Grows on Treestrue- Treeburger Vendor G.I. Janetrue- Tennessee Jones The Tender Yearstrue- Spike Living in a Big Waytrue- G.I. Vet Corvette K-225true- Steward Let's Live a Littletrue- Advertising Employee Stop That Dancing Up Theretrue Song of My Hearttrue- Private Murphy Convictedtrue- Convict Grant (uncredited) Buck Privates Come Hometrue- GI Buddy (uncredited) China's Little Devilstrue- Eddie The Noose Hangs Hightrue- Messenger (uncredited) You Gotta Stay Happytrue- Curly Young Widowtrue- Soldier in Officer's Club (Uncredited) Caught in the Drafttrue- Patient Hiding Under Bed (uncredited) Kidnappedtrue- Scotsman Sailor (uncredited) Mystery of the Riverboattrue- The Singer-Guitarist [Chs. 1-3, 13] Moon Over Las Vegastrue- Singer Easter Paradetrue- Cabby (uncredited) Profile Images
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