Dror Keren
Dror Keren
Top Movie Cast
Made in Israeltrue- Tiktak Aviva, My Lovetrue- Moni Cohen Five Hours from Paristrue The Matchmakertrue- Meir the Librarian A Room of His Owntrue- Teacher Hometrue- Avrum Davidovich Hasipur Ha'acharon Shel Kafkatrue- narrator Requiemtrue- Happy cherub Adam Resurrectedtrue- Dr. Uri Slonim Dangerous Actstrue- Police Investigator Kapo in Jerusalemtrue- Meir Zimmerman The World Is Funnytrue- Doctor Shmuel Blue Boxtrue- Joseph Weitz A horse walks into a bartrue- דוב'לה ג'י Top Movie Crew
Farewell ColumntrueWriting
A horse walks into a bartrueDirecting