Clancy Cooper
Clancy Cooper
Top Movie Cast
He Ran All the Waytrue- Stan, newspaper office watchman Street of Chancetrue- Burke Courage of Lassietrue- Casey Railroaded!true- Detective Jim Chubb Below the Deadlinetrue- Nichols Bewitchedtrue- Cop (uncredited) The Snows of Kilimanjarotrue The Vagabond Kingtrue- Gaoler Artists and Modelstrue- Police Officer (uncredited) Girls in Chainstrue- Marcus Incident in an Alleytrue- Sam Mr. Wong, Detectivetrue- Warehouse Man (uncredited) The Best Years of Our Livestrue- Taxi Driver (uncredited) The Pride of the Yankeestrue- Motorcycle Cop #1 (uncredited) The Enchanted Foresttrue- Gilson The Sainted Sisterstrue- Cal Frisbee Saintly Sinnerstrue- Idaho Murphy Distant Drumstrue- Sgt. Shane A Really Important Persontrue- Police Officer Timothy Reilly A Time to Love and a Time to Dietrue- Sauer The Man Who Returned to Lifetrue- Clem Beebe Dead Man's Gulchtrue- Walt Bledsoe Trappedtrue- Desk Sergeant (uncredited) Dragonwycktrue- Farmer (uncredited) Mildred Piercetrue- Policeman (uncredited) Dangerous Partnerstrue- Ben Albee (uncredited) Dark Passagetrue- Man on Street Seeking Match (uncredited) The Whistlertrue- Telephone Repairman (Uncredited) Unseen Enemytrue- Police Inspector Alan Davies Where the Sidewalk Endstrue- Police Desk Sergeant Murphy (uncredited) West of Tombstonetrue- Dave Shurlock Riding Westtrue- Blackburn The Wild Northtrue- Sloan Somebody Up There Likes Metrue- Captain Lancheck (uncredited) Redhead from Manhattantrue- Policeman Riding Through Nevadatrue- Ed Kendall Sundown Valleytrue- Hodge Miller (uncredited) They Died with Their Boots Ontrue- Train Conductor (uncredited) The Sheriff of Fractured Jawtrue- A Barber The Man Behind The Guntrue- 'Kansas' Collins The Great Ruperttrue- Police Lt. Saunders The Secret Codetrue- Det. Sgt. Pat Flanagan Dakota Liltrue- Bartender The Wife of Monte Cristotrue- Baptiste The Strange Womantrue- Lumberjack (uncredited) Danger Signaltrue- Police Captain with Suicide Note Pickup on South Streettrue- Detective Eddie (uncredited) Reign of Terrortrue- Saint Just's Sentry (uncredited) Convictedtrue- Prison Guard (uncredited) The Tall Targettrue- Brakeman (uncredited) Whirlpooltrue- First Policeman (uncredited) The File on Thelma Jordontrue- Chase (Uncredited) A Man's Worldtrue- John Black Nightmare Alleytrue- Stage Manager (uncredited) Cheyennetrue- Andrews (uncredited) Californiatrue- Cavalry N.C.O. (uncredited) The Man Who Found the Moneytrue- A.J. Meecham Nora Prentisstrue- Policeman (uncredited)